Madam Secretary: China’s Got a Secret and Russell Jackson likes Pandas?

Madam Secretary

The United States goes head to head (in a way) with China in this week’s episode of Madam Secretary. China wants to claim territory on the South China Sea by building human-made islands. Wonder if the great Kenny G can stop them? However, a group of environmental activists wants to stop China from destroying Shipwreck Reef. The Chinese government then arrested the activists as a result of their trespassing and might execute them for doing so. Oh dear.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth argues with Henry over the stalking of their children. Elizabeth blames herself for what happened. Henry wanted to talk to the FBI to see what more they can do about this. The good professor then took matters into his hands. He asked Jose for help in tracking down Ray Merchant, a vocal figure when it comes to Elizabeth and her job.

The part where Henry found Merchant’s house and was about to confront the guy, I sensed a physical confrontation. When FBI Agent Santangelo stopped the latter from marching up to Merchant’s door, I breathed a sigh of relief. The agent told Henry that they looked into Merchant, but he’s not the stalker/hacker. Santangelo then told Henry to go home and be with his family. Fist fight and potential court battle avoided. Whew!

President Dalton then goes down Memory Lane as he and Elizabeth visit Vietnam. The Commander in Chief recalls his days of being in the Navy and serving his country in a war-torn Southern Asian country. The peacefulness of the visit is cut short when Minister Chen showed up. He told Elizabeth to stop trying to get China to release the activists. Minister Chen, with all due respect, when Elizabeth McCord wants to get something done, she will stop at nothing to see that it gets done.

The security breach at the McCord’s house scares me. It feels like it’s something out of a horror movie right before tragedy strikes. If this ever happens to me, and I do mean if, I would react the same way the McCords did: scared and powerless to do much of anything.

This episode also shed an interesting light on Russell Jackson. It turns out that the President’s Chief of Staff is a panda fan. He barged into Elizabeth’s conference room and demanded that she do something about China taking the two pandas at the National Zoo back. I snickered when Russell said that China’s dark secret where they will deploy powerful missiles from the South China Sea is found out thanks to Scooby and the gang. Good job, show, good job.

Everything worked out in the end as is the magic of television. The activists are coming home, and World War III is off the table. Though the eerie fact that Elizabeth and her family are still at risk of being attacked at any given time remains. Hope that the next episode can tell us who the stalker/hacker is. This suspense is killing me!

Photo via CBS 

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