10 Things You Didn’t Know about Lily Rabe

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Lily Rabe

While she’s done a lot more than just the one show Lily Rabe is no doubt best known for her time on American Horror Story. She’s one of only a few actors that has been on the show in some capacity for every season and has managed to become one of the fan favorites since she usually plays a character that’s either extremely out there or somehow muted so that you don’t notice her until it’s time. Her presence is one that can be highly adaptable since she can be a strong and resolute character when she needs to be or the flighty, seen and not heard kind of person that’s just part of the backdrop. She’s whatever she needs to be in any given project since honestly she seems like the type that tends to be able to please just about any director on any project on account of the fact that while she’s a great actor she’s not the strongest personality on the set.

In many ways she’s the person that wants to be there badly but will do what it takes to make the scenes happen. Here are a few other things you might not have known about her.

10. She’s been in multiple seasons of American Horror Story.

As it was mentioned above she’s been in them all since she has a role no matter how small in Hotel and has been in the others nearly the entire way through. She’s been a nun, a witch, a woman of high society, and a few other roles that stretched her talents a bit but were never too big of a challenge. It’s quite impressive to see how the actors of AHS get recycled every season and come back to play various roles. It will be especially interesting to see what’s next in Apocalypse, which Lily will also be a part of.

9. She’s adamant about not being a feminist.

Whatever the reason for this she’s been heard to say with great gusto that she’s not a feminist and doesn’t want to be associated as such. Some people do their best to remain unaffiliated with any group or cause that doesn’t suit their ideals. This could be part of the reason she refuses to identify as such.

8. A lot of the time the scripts she wants to do send her into a panic.

It’s still kind of interesting to think that any seasoned actor manages to get the jitters before they go into a gig but it’s also kind of nice to know that in this way they’re not above their fans when it comes to getting a case of the nerves.

7. She was into fiction writing in college.

One has to wonder if this was just a phase or if it’s something she’s been cultivating behind the scenes since writing is a big part of what goes into the shows that Rabe and so many others act out. Perhaps she could apply that skill one day to the screen.

6. She loves being a part of AHS.

This would be a sincere hope for a lot of the cast since it would appear that they enjoy doing being on the show enough that they’re willing to keep going. It’s going to be interesting to see who comes back for the next season.

5. She’s a Breaking Bad fan.

Well maybe it’s more of a Bryan Cranston fan since she talks about how he tackles the harder subjects and doesn’t try to make everyone his friend while taking on the more difficult scenes. It’s easy to agree with that assessment.

4. She’s been a guest star on two Law & Order shows.

She was on an episode of both Criminal Intent and SVU so she knows what it’s like to be a recycled character since those shows shared actors all the time and made it work to their advantage.

3. She’s done a lot of stage acting.

This is another part of acting that she loves as Lily has confessed that stage acting is a passion and something she really gets excited about. Plus, as with most actors it really gets a person in tune with what they’re doing and forces them to focus up.

2. She’s been around since 2001.

So she’s not quite as seasoned as some of those she’s worked with but she’s been around long enough to know the score and to possibly dole out tips to those younger cast members she works with when it comes to the job. Experience is always a good thing when it comes to acting.

1. She studied dance for ten years.

It almost feels like dancing should be something that most actors should have to at least practice before going on stage since it can grant a little more poise and discipline when it comes to movement and balance.

AHS: Apocalypse is coming out soon and it should be awesome.

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