credit: The CW
Legends of Tomorrow, the notable DC Comics-inspired Arrowverse time-travel comedy-drama, had had a long run with its mixup cast of heroes and villains in the first season to a team of dedicated heroes by the time Legends of Tomorrow Season 7 started. Below we’ve detailed Legends of Tomorrow Season 7, such as its plot and characters, and each season that led the show to its point with Season 7 before Warner Bros canceled it along with The Flash.

credit: The CW
Legends of Tomorrow
Legends of Tomorrow started on The CW in 2016 as part of the greater Arrowverse after Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl. While other shows that have come into the Arrowverse, such as Batwoman and others, have been canceled by Warner Bros before they had a chance. Overall, Legends of Tomorrow featured our original mix of characters from the various points of the Arrowverse when it first started, but by the time Legends of Tomorrow Season 7 had premiered, the Legends had already fought a variety of enemies such as demons, historical figures, celebrities, mythical beings and so much more, such as aliens in its final two seasons.

credit: The CW
Legends of Tomorrow Pre-Season 7
Before Legends of Tomorrow Season 7, Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 started with Rip Hunter. He founded the Legends of Tomorrow to stop Vandal Savage from conquering the Earth and killing his family and his disruptions to the timeline. Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 ended with the sacrifice of Captain Cold to stop the Time Masters, the group Rip Hunter had previously worked for, as he found out the Time Masters worked with Vandal Savage all along. From the defeat of the Time Masters and the loss of Leonard Snart, the Legends were left with their next threat: the Reverse-Flash and the Legion of Doom. Although the Legion of Doom was made up of members from the previously established Arrowverse shows, Sara Lance had defeated them and sent them back to their proper times, which included the new Legion of Doom Snart. From the defeat of the Reverse-Flash, the Legends of Tomorrow were introduced to the totems of Zambesi but with the help of Wally West, the Legends of Tomorrow defeated the demon Mallus. Legends of Tomorrow Season 7 may not have had demons, as aliens were the main focus, but the Legends likely wouldn’t have succeeded without Constantine. While the Legends of Tomorrow defeated one demonic entity, they were nowhere near done as Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 introduced Constantine, an occult detective shown as an ally to Oliver Queen in Arrow, that had informed the Legends of even more magical beings let loose on Earth they must stop. Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 had the Legends specifically against the demon known as Neron, as he was a foe from Constantine’s past. While the Legends of Tomorrow eventually defeated the demon, Legends of Tomorrow Season 5 only further reached into the past of Constantine with a botched exorcism he had performed and sent someone to Hell that has now wreaked havoc on Earth with “Encores,” as she called them. The Legends of Tomorrow defeated Astra and was invited by Constantine to join the team, which she did, but as she joined the team, the Legends lost one of their longest members in Heatwave as he decided to leave with Kayla. With the loss of Heatwave at the end of Legends of Tomorrow Season 6, the Legends immediately dealt with a new threat as another destroyed their Waverunner, and they were trapped in their current time. As Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 introduced aliens, Legends of Tomorrow Season 7, the final season, further pulled plotlines from the alien concepts of Season 6 as Bishop was more aligned with the Legends this time around, after being against them in the previous season.

credit: The CW
Legends of Tomorrow Season 7 Characters
Although the last, Legends of Tomorrow Season 7, was one of the most interesting seasons, it further pulled the alien and world invasion concepts heavily present in Season 6. Characters such as Constantine, Gideon, and Bishop made up the most interesting characters of the season. Constantine was missing, but a version of him played by Matt Ryan was around for parts of Legends of Tomorrow Season 7.

credit: The CW
Legends of Tomorrow Season 7 Detailed
Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 featured the Legends dealing with a potential alien invasion orchestrated by those that had Gary abduct Sara in the first place. Legends of Tomorrow Season 7 had more alien and heavier time travel concepts as the team was stranded with their Waverider destroyed. With the team stranded in a different time, they needed to find a pivotal person in the creation of time travel, which just so happens to be a descendant of Constantine. Overall, Legends of Tomorrow Season 7 had the Legends fight alternate versions of themselves created by an alternate Gideon created by the younger Bishop.
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