10 Things You Didn’t Know about Joseph Julian Soria

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Joseph Julian Soria

There are lots of actors who find themselves getting pigeonholed into certain roles or genres, but not Joseph Julian Soria. Over the course of his career, he has shown time and time again that there isn’t anything he can’t do. He has built a resume that includes more than 60 on-screen credits and the list just keeps growing. These days, he is most well-known for his role in the Netflix original series Gentefied. Although the official release date for season two has yet to be released, fans are already looking forward to picking up with Joseph and the rest of the cast and seeing what’s in store for them. Here are 10 things you didn’t know about Joseph Julian Soria.

1. He’s A Los Angeles Native

Joseph was born and raised in Los Angeles and he continues to live in the area today. His family is originally from Mexico and he’s very proud of his heritage. One of the perfect of being an L.A. native is that Joseph didn’t have to travel far when he decided that he wanted to get into the entertainment industry.

2. He Likes To Connect With Fans

With nearly 20 years of experience working in the entertainment industry, there’s no surprise that Joseph has built a massive fan base along the way. He doesn’t take any of the support for granted and he looks forward to being able to interact with his fans. It’s common to see him retweeting posts and responding to comments on Twitter.

3. He’s A Producer

Being in front of the camera is what has made Joseph an international star, but he has also ventured behind the camera. His IMDB profile lists that he has one producer’s credit for a TV movie called Instant Gratification which was released in 2015. There’s no word on whether he plans to do more behind-the-scenes work.

4. He Loves Learning New Things

Joseph is the kind of person who loves to make the most out of every moment. He’s always interested in learning new things and making memories. If there’s an adventure to be had, you can bet that Joseph is going to be down for the ride. Whether it be traveling or trying a new hobby for the first time, Joseph doesn’t like to stay complacent.

5. He Used To Work With People Who Had Special Needs

Like most actors, Joseph worked other jobs before his career took off. During an interview with The Star Scoop, Joseph said, “Something that people should know about me is I’ve worked many years with those with mental and physical disabilities, with autism and different types of disabilities. It really impacted my life before I became an actor.”

6. He’s Passionate About Helping Others

Joseph enjoys being able to give back to those in need and he has used his celebrity status as a way to raise awareness to causes that are important to him. He has worked with several charity organizations over the years including the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and Wounded Warriors.

7. He Loves To Stay Active

Joseph doesn’t just work hard, he plays hard too. Joseph told Regard Magazine, “I enjoy playing sports and training in boxing and kick boxing and other mixed material arts. I also love to go hiking: pretty much anything where I get to get outdoors and sweaty and dirty.”

8. He Likes To Spread Positivity

If there’s one thing the world has no shortage of, it’s negativity. Many of us are inundated with so much negative information on a regular basis that it can be hard not to get sucked in. Joseph, however, always prefers to see the positive side of things and he encourages other people to do the same.

9. There’s An Interesting Backstory To How He Got His First Agent

The entertainment industry can be very competitive, and people have to come up with unique ways to stand out. Joseph did exactly that when he was on the hunt for an agent early in his career. In an interview with Justin Michael Woods, Joseph revealed, “I think it’s funny how I got my first agent. I snuck into the building by catching the door before it closed as someone else was buzzed in. Then, I just walked in and told the receptionist I was there to drop off headshots (as if I was already a client). She let me right up. From there I pitched myself to the agency with a completely made up resume because I had no credits. ”

10. He’s A Pretty Private Guy

In many cases, celebrities share more about their personal lives than people care to know. That’s never been the deal with Joseph, however. He isn’t the type to share lots of information about his private life and it looks like he plans to keep it that way. As far as we know, though, he has never been married and doesn’t have any children.

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