8 Best Jim Carrey Movies, Ranked

When it comes to comedy movies, Jim Carrey arguably reigns supreme. The Canadian-American actor and comedian has featured in blockbuster movies since the ’90s and frankly, there are just too many to pick from. But, his acting career isn’t limited to laughs, some of his best movies are major tear-jerkers.

No matter what your genre preference, a good movie is a universal experience. So, today, we bring you the eight best Jim Carrey movies. If you’re planning to go on a Jim Carrey binge, know that every movie on our list is definitely worth a watch and more. So, let’s get right to it!

8. Ace Ventura Franchise

Jim Carrey doing his iconic yes in Ace Ventua

At #8, we have the iconic Ace Ventura films, consisting of both Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls. The former stars both Carrey and FRIENDS star Courteney Cox in the titular roles, part of a plot where Carrey’s character is tasked with finding the abducted dolphin mascot, and just so it happens — it is one of their funniest and most well-known works together. When Nature Calls, which came out in 1995, a year after the first installment, Carrey reprises his role as the private detective, who, this time, is summoned to Africa to find a missing bat.  It won’t be wrong to say that this film franchise kickstarted Carrey’s career, and it remains a sleepover favorite to this day.

Watch Ace Ventura: Pet Detective on Netflix

7. Bruce Almighty

Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty

Next up, we have Bruce Almighty at #7, a fantasy comedy where Carrey gets to play (god-forbid) God for one week! He stars alongside the legendary Morgan Freeman, who plays God in the film. Bruce Nolan, Carrey’s role, learns what the world truly is like and finds out what it really means to get a second chance at life. If you’re going through a rough patch in your relationship and wishing for a miracle to make them act right (while laughing out loud, crazy, of course), this movie will be an interesting watch for you!

Watch Bruce Almighty on Disney+

6. Dumb and Dumber

Dumb and Dumber Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels

For the #6 spot, Dumb and Dumber take the win. Carrey stars alongside Jeff Daniels as a dumb limo driver and his dumber friend. It’s a simple plot of returning an abandoned suitcase at an airport to its owner in Aspen. But, the crude humor and delivery of most of the movie’s punchlines make it a comedy classic. The film also has a sequel that came out in 2014 and happens to be just as funny! 

Watch Dumb and Dumber on Netflix

5. How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Ron Howard The Grinch

At #5, we have the holiday classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas, where Carrey embodies the infamous Dr. Suess character. This is an esteemed family classic that almost all of us are familiar with, and so it’s bound to make holiday sleepovers all the more fun. As much as Carrey steals the show with his performance, it’s impossible to ignore the role of the young Gossip Girl star, Taylor Momsen. Talk about a glow-up!

Watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas on Netflix

4. The Truman Show

Jim Carrey in The Truman Show

The #4 spot belongs to one of Carrey’s more serious films, The Truman Show. This futuristic classic perfectly portrays the role of reality television and social media in our lives. Carrey stars as a young man who believes he is living a normal life but, in reality, is the main character of a television show. Not only does Carrey suppress his comedic side to deliver a touching performance, but he also highlights his ability to play different roles. If you’re a fan of the matrix narrative unfolding for the last two years lately, this thought-provoking piece, much like a few episodes of The Orville, is going to be an interesting watch for you. 

Watch The Truman Show on Prime Video

3. Liar Liar

Jim Carrey in the Liar Liar Movie

At #3, we have one of Jim Carrey’s most iconic movies, Liar Liar. The comedic genius struck gold with his performance as a lawyer who cannot lie, the consequence of a wish made by his son. In a profession where lying is the go-to, Carrey is seen speaking his mind and getting into trouble for his sharp tongue. Although it only lasts a day, it’s enough to turn his world upside down. The classic hit is a refresher for those who are stuck in the daily grind!

Watch Liar Liar on Prime Video

2. The Mask

Jim Carrey and Cameron Diaz in The Mask

The #2 spot on our list belongs to The Mask, a hilarious comedy film where Carrey stars along with the Charlie’s Angels actress Cameron Diaz. It’s got humor, it’s got suspense, and most of all, it’s got Cameron Diaz in her debut role. The Mask was originally imagined for a sequel, too, but Carrey eventually bailed on the project. A sequel then, which neither starred Carrey nor Diaz, was released in 2005, but it was not even close to the commercial success of The Mask.  

Watch The Mask on Prime Video

1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

At the top of our list, at #1, is the tear-jerker Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind. For a comedy actor, to have a psychological romance at the height of their career would mean only one thing: the movie is exceptionally good. Carrey stars alongside the Titanic actress Kate Winslet. Their phenomenal performance redefined their careers, and the movie arguably ended up becoming Carrey’s most memorable film to this date. Caution: You’re going to cry, so don’t watch it on a sad day! If you’d like to relieve through some of Carrey’s funniest characters, check out this guide.

Watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind on Netflix

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