credit: Marvel Comics
It’s a lot of fun to take heroes and villains from DC and Marvel and pit them against each other to see who might be left standing at the end. The general consensus is that heroes aren’t always bound to fight since they’re more likely to settle their differences quickly when they come to the conclusion that they’re on the same side, but there’s always the question of who’s more powerful when all is said and done. On paper, the Flash would annihilate Jean Grey if they decided to go hand to hand since his superior speed would allow him to pummel her from every possible angle without being touched. But with that being said, Jean Grey isn’t typically seen throwing hands with anyone since she doesn’t have to. Some would say that the Flash would be able to thump Jean Grey using the Speed Force since he thinks faster than anyone alive and could simply go back in time to eradicate the threat entirely. The only problem is that Jean is an Omega-level mutant, meaning that her level of power, even when it manifested, is greater than anything the Flash could overcome so easily.

credit: DC Comics
Most of the feats that fans of the Flash point to tend to be his greatest attacks.
In other words, if the Flash were to take on Jean Grey with his top-tier effects and powers, it’s possible that he could defeat her. But if Jean Grey were to access the Phoenix Force, it stands to reason that the Flash wouldn’t stand a chance, since his fast thinking and enhanced toughness wouldn’t be enough to keep him from being halted in his tracks, or simply thought of existence since Jean has access to the Phoenix Force, which would be more than enough to put the speedster on his heels or immobilize him completely. DC fans and even just fans of the character are no doubt going to fire back with the idea that the Speed Force would be able to give the Flash the ability to overcome the Phoenix and that it’s achieved feats such as almost breaking the multiverse. That’s cute, really.
On her own, Jean Grey is formidable, but once the Phoenix comes out, Flash has no chance.
People want to keep talking about how the Flash could go back in time if he wanted to somehow negate Jean’s existence. Not only would this hero not do this, but one has to realize that if Jean tapped into the Phoenix Force and went dark, she could snuff the Flash out with a thought and could even negate his existence in the future if she truly wanted. But again, these are two upstanding heroes, so it’s fair to think that neither of them would seek each other’s end. But Flash’s heaviest punch wouldn’t be able to break through Jean’s defense unless she wanted it to. The Flash might be able to think quicker than most people, but the mind is Jean’s arena, and she knows it well enough to understand how to anticipate and outthink many opponents since once she can pick up on their thoughts, she’ll know what they’re about to think before they do.

credit: Marvel Comics
The Flash can travel through time and the multiverse…that’s nice.
There’s no need to downplay the Flash’s abilities since the truth is that as a hero, he’s quite effective. But like many heroes, he’s made poor decisions in the past, and tampering with the Speed Force has been one of them. In all honesty, Jean hasn’t always made the best choices either, and the fact that the Dark Phoenix persona took over is one reason why it’s easy to say that the Flash wouldn’t win since if he pushed Jean to this limit, then he’d be quite sorry when the ramifications took hold. DP isn’t a wild and crazy despot that lashes out without thinking and has no idea how to wield her own power, but she is a being that knows how to dish out the pain when she desires, and the only way that Flash would win happens to be if Jean were to take control and limit the power that’s at her fingertips and can come at the speed of thought, which sadly, Flash cannot hope to match since once he’s within her range, every thought in his head is going to be known to her. At that point, it’s easy enough for Jean to shut him down and turn the lights out.
Like it or not, the Flash isn’t quick enough this time.
That’s kind of an odd thing to say, isn’t it? The Flash is one of the quickest heroes alive in any franchise, and yet he’s outmatched in this fight without fail. Again, if it were just Jean Grey without the Phoenix Force, he might have a chance, with the emphasis being on ‘might.’ But with the Phoenix Force there, since he would have the Speed Force, there’s no doubt that Jean would be the one left standing.
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