10 Things You Didn’t Know about Ivan Hernandez

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Ivan Hernandez

Those of us who grew up watching Sex and the City always hoped that Carrie Bradshaw would end up with someone so good. However, some fans wanted to see her with Aiden rather than with Big, but she chose who she chose, there were movies made, and things went well for her. Except, they did not go well. Spoiler alert for anyone who has not tuned in to watch And Just Like That, we are about to share some news that might just make you very sad. It turns out that Carrie’s husband had a heart attack and died, and she is a widow moving on in her life, broken heart and all. Now she has a new love interest. Ivan Hernandez is his real-life name, and fans want to know more. Who is he?

1. He’s Playing Her Producer

They meet because they work together. She’s got a successful podcast in the new show, and she is hard at work sharing her stories with the world. She works with a man by the name of Franklyn, and that’s the character that Hernandez plays. They recently shared a steamy kiss, and fans are hooked.

2. He Was Cast to Be the Love Interest

The show knew from the start that they would push this one on the starlet. They wanted her to have a connection with someone the fans liked and knew before she liked him, and that worked out well because they worked together. Seeing that chemistry grow is a good thing, and it has fans excited.

3. He’s Not a Social Media User

Truth be told, he has social media. However, he’s not one to use it often or even at all. He prefers to use his real-life to communicate with people he does know rather than strangers on the internet. Honestly, he’s got the right idea in that.

4. He is Familiar

The reason he is familiar to you when you see his face is that he’s been on every single show ever made. Not literally, but it does feel that way. He’s had parts in shows like The Good Wife, Gossip Girl, and even Devious Maids. He’s everywhere.

5. He’s In Theater

The most difficult aspect of acting is often said to be the theater. Live performances with no chance to mess up and do it over again, constant rehearsals, multiple shows a day on certain days, and more shows per week than they are days in the week is often a lot for some actors. Not for him, though. He spent years working on Broadway, and he loved it.

6. He is Very Private

One thing is certain, and that is that this is one man who likes his privacy. There is very little information about him on the internet. There is nothing about his family, his personal life, or what he is up to outside of his acting, and that is a big deal. He likes to keep things private, and we get it.

7. He May be Back

If the show is picked up for a second season, it’s likely he will be back. He will come back as Carrie’s love interest in a second season. If there is one, of course. There’s some speculation there will be, but he’s not said anything about it and neither has anyone else at this point.

8. He’s a Dad

We do know that he is a father with two kids, but we know very little about the children. He did an interview in 2019 in which he said his kids are a little on the younger side, and we assume that he and his wife haven’t been parents for long.

9. He Played Sports

Growing up, he was athletic, but he also played the clarinet. He was a little of everything at school, and it worked for him. He wasn’t particularly interested in theater until later in his high school career, but that interest turned into a passion, and that passion turned into a career that he’s been able to nurture and grow over the years.

10. He Made a Huge Mistake When He was Younger

More than 20 years ago, he auditioned for Rent, and he was immediately turned down for the role. He spent the night before out all night smoking and drinking, and he couldn’t sing the following day. He knew it wasn’t the wisest idea, but he did it regardless. He didn’t get enough sleep, and the grit he was trying to create in his own voice failed him.

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