Is Tampa Baes Worth Watching?

Is Tampa Baes Worth Watching?

Over the last few years, there has been an influx of reality TV shows. As a result, it’s getting harder and harder to decide which ones are worth your time. One of the latest reality shows to hit the airwaves is the Amazon Prime series Tampa Baes. The show follows a group of lesbian friends living in the Tampa Florida area. The series was released on November 15 and the first season consists of 8 episodes. However, even before the show’s release, it was already receiving criticism for a lack of diversity which ultimately resulted in reduced excitement for many viewers. Now that the series is out, there are still a lot of people who are on the fence about whether or not they want to check it out. Keep reading to find out whether or not Tampa Baes is worth watching.

Why You Should Watch Tampa Baes

If you’re anything like me, you have no problem giving new shows a chance. Plus, as someone who lives in the Tampa area, I knew that I wanted to check the series out – if for no reason other than to be nosy. That said, there are quite a few reasons why Tampa Baes is worth adding to your watch list.

It’s The Only Show Of Its Kind

For starters, it’s the only reality show featuring a lesbian cast. If I’m not mistaken, it’s the first show to do so since The Real L Word which aired briefly from 2010 to 2012. If you’re a part of the LGBTQ+ community, that representation alone might be enough to make you want to tune in.

There’s No Shortage Of Drama

The cast members on Tampa Baes have been in the same circle since long before the show came along. This means that the drama was brewing long before the cameras came around and you get the sense that the drama has continued even after filming was done. Whether it’s right or wrong, drama is one of the key components of entertainment on these types of shows.

There Are Some Awesome Cast Members

Every reality show is only as good as its cast members, and Tampa Baes has some great ones. A few cast members such as Cuppie Bragg, Shiva Pishdad, and Olivia Mullins have emerged as early fan favorites. These cast members have managed to be entertaining and likable without ever getting too caught up in any of the drama. All in all, though, the cast was full of some great personalities.

It Depicts Healthy Long Term Relationships

For years, there has been a stereotype that people in the LGBTQ+ community can’t have committed long-term relationships. One of the great things about Tampa Baes is that it portrays couples who are in serious relationships that they appear to be happy in. The series also shows some great relationships on a platonic level.

Why You Might Want To Pass On The Show

The Show Is Somewhat Lacking In Diversity

The Tampa area is a very diverse place and that’s not represented in Tampa Baes. Sure, diversity can mean more than one thing – and the show attempts to put the diversity it does have on display by diving into some of the characters’ ethnic backgrounds. But let’s just put it this way – everyone in the cast passes the brown paper bag test. Skin color aside, though, there were lots of ways the show could’ve been more diverse. For example, there could’ve been more representation for different body types and different types of gender expression. Since the show is lacking in these areas, many viewers feel like the show doesn’t really provide an accurate representation of the lesbian community in the Tampa area. That said, however, the show does consist of people who were friends before filming and they didn’t do any additional casting. At the same time, though, they could’ve chosen to center the show around a more diverse group of friends.

Some of the Drama Seems Forced

As mentioned earlier, Tampa Baes has plenty of drama, but a lot of it seems forced and by the end of the season it starts to feel stale. The whole back and forth between the show’s ‘it’ couples comes off immature at times, and it often seems like the show is relying too heavily on dramatic moments that sometimes fall flat.

The Show Is Strictly Based on The Existing Friend Group

When the series begins, it’s presented in a way that suggests it represents the entire lesbian scene in Tampa. The cast members are positioned as the ‘it’ crowd who is known for being popular and throwing the best parties. This ultimately ends up being one of the show’s biggest downsides. For starters, it’s not convincing that anyone in the group is really the ‘queen bee’ of the Tampa lesbian scene. However, that’s because we never actually get to see much from the ‘scene’. The show only focuses on the existing friend group which causes it to exist in this weird vacuum.

The Future Of Tampa Baes

As of now, Tampa Baes hasn’t been renewed for a second season. However, season one ends with a cliffhanger that will hopefully help the series get another season. Overall, Tampa Baes is worth checking out. To be honest, it’s so bad it’s good. Once you turn it on, you’ll be hooked – even though you probably won’t understand why. Plus, even with all of its shortcomings, it’s nice to see some LGBTQ+ representation.LGBTQ+

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