Is David Duchovny Up for an X-Files Reboot?

As The X-Files reboot continues to draw excitement from fans, questions about David Duchovny‘s involvement in the remake persist. The actor played FBI agent Fox Mulder in the sci-fi drama alongside Gillian Anderson’s Dana Scully. The bond between the duo was the lifeblood of the show, which initially ran for nine seasons on Fox, and then revived in 2016 for another two seasons. For most of the years the show ran, it followed their characters as they investigated paranormal-related cases.

After years of opposing the idea of returning to The X-Files roles, Anderson expressed in a recent interview that she’s open to reprising Dana Scully in the reboot. The actress is inspired by her admiration for Black Panther’s director, Ryan Coogler, who will be helming the reboot. “…I cannot think of a better way around for a reboot to happen. I think he’s a bit of a genius,” she told Today’s Savannah Guthrie. It’s uncertain if David Duchovny shares Anderson’s sentiment, but he’s up for an X-Files Reboot if rightly stimulated.

David Duchovny Says There’s No Show Without Anderson Gillian And Chris Carter

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson on The X-Files

David Duchovny reluctantly admitted he’s open to reprising Fox Mulder. This was in December 2022, three months before The X-Files’ creator (Chris Carter) divulged a reboot was underway. The American actor was asked about the possibility of revisiting his character in an Interview with ComicBook. In response, Duchovny specified he’s not considering working on anything tied to the sci-fi series. “I don’t want to have to think about that because it’s not something that I necessarily need in my life,” he told the publication.

Duchovny also dismissed the idea of having a spinoff based on his character, stressing he hasn’t given any thought to working on another project related to the cult classic. “The X-Files that I’m involved in consists of Chris Carter, myself, and Gillian,” he said. “I haven’t spent time trying to think about a different version of that, and I don’t know that I will.” From all he said, it seemed he wasn’t interested in any X-Files project without Carter and Gillian. “For me, it was always there’s no show unless it’s (with) Chris and Gillian,” stated Duchovny.

The Actor Will Reprise Fox Mulder Only Under Certain Conditions

David Duchovny in You People (2023)

While David Duchovny isn’t considering a return to his role on The X-Files, he’s also not against it. However, his willingness to reprise the character in The X-Files reboot will be pegged on certain factors. He discussed this at length during an appearance on The Discourse podcast in December 2022. Responding to a question about a reboot, the actor expressed that his involvement would depend on the story ideas. “There’s not a world where we just come back and do it the way we did before because that world has changed.

“…What are the stories? What’s the reason for being at this point? I mean, there are many reasons for being. One of them might be because people want to see it. Another would be that Chris or someone that Chris knows and likes says, ‘Oh, I’ve got a story to tell! Check this out – this is how we could do this now,'” he explained. The Fox Mulder actor further stated that an older and different version of the character would be an interesting challenge. “But… you don’t want to play it the same way. You don’t want to tell the same stories because that becomes kind of weird and obscene,” he added.

Is The X-Files Creator Involved In The Reboot?

The X-Files creator Chris Carter

Chris Carter, the original creator of the series, has given his blessings for The X-Files reboot. However, he wouldn’t be involved in the project. In a February 2024 interview with The Wrap, Carter disclosed he would only be involved as a cheerleader. The American producer also divulged that Ryan Coogler has great ideas for the reboot. “I’ve had a conversation with him. Yes, he likes to go with a diverse cast. And he’s got some good ideas,” said The X-Files creator.

With Coogler overseeing the project, the reboot stands a greater chance of telling fresh stories that would resonate with fans. If things are done differently, David Duchovny will be more inclined to play Fox Mulder again. This is also true for Gillian Anderson. She told Variety in April 2022 that playing Dana Scully feels like an old idea. “In order to even begin to have that conversation, there would need to be a whole new set of writers and the baton would need to be handed on for it to feel like it was new and progressive,” she explained. Check out these TV Shows to watch if you enjoyed The X-Files.

Watch The X-Files On Prime Video

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