The History of the Original Star Wars Poster

The History of the Original Star Wars Poster

Tracking down the history of the first [easyazon_link identifier=”B01DUOE5CG” locale=”US” tag=”tvovermind00a-20″]Star Wars poster[/easyazon_link], the original, is quite exhausting really. If you look at the number of people that have drawn original Star Wars posters throughout the years, and all those that had something to do with finally nailing down the look of the famous tale that’s helped to shape and enrich cultures all over the world, then you might have a better appreciation of just what went into these movies. Making them was just another step in the process, marketing them was something that took a long time to finally accomplish since there were so many people willing to lend their artistic talents to the making of this iconic poster.

The Hildebrandt Brothers, Tim and Greg, were commissioned to make the poster above after it was deemed that Tom Jung’s version was just a little too dark and his Leia was just a little too sultry and hardcore. The droids weren’t even added in until it was time to distribute, but everything else was deemed to be on point and just the way it needed to be however. The pose that Leia’s rocking in this poster isn’t quite as sultry or defiant but is a little more laid back. Luke on the other hand is all muscled up and looks ready to go, as though he’s a Jedi knight that’s ready to take on the Empire all by himself. This is not the same kid that was whining in his first few lines about wanting to go to Tosche Station, nor is it even the same kid that got taken out by a single Tusken Raider while out looking for R2-D2. This guy on the poster looks like he could take on just about anyone and walk away unscathed.

But as we know the poster din’t tell the whole story despite showing a great deal and indicating that a matchup with Vader would be on the horizon. It also kind of propagated the belief that there’s no underwear in space since Leia’s clothing seems tight enough that something would obviously show. It is far brighter than Jung’s version however and indicates a hint that light will rise to extinguish the darkness that offers such a huge and ominous backdrop to the story. There are many different ways to interpret the poster after all and to be quite honest it’s not the first, or the original poster ever made of Star Wars. It has the distinction of being used over a great many of them and being distributed on a much wider scale, as many people began to see this as the face of the new trend that began to grow and grow as people continued to want more and more of it.

Right now there are more Star Wars posters than you can shake a stick at and many of them are originals as they are all counted as belonging to the franchise in one way or another. Some are incredibly obscure, and others will leave people wondering if the people that did them understand just what Star Wars is. But the original poster that kicked everything off is still counted as one of the best ever made.

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