Here’s What We Know about “Space Jam 2” Up Until This Point

Here’s What We Know about “Space Jam 2” Up Until This Point

It’s been a while since we got to see the Looney Tunes in action like we did in Space Jam, but a Space Jam 2 movie isn’t going to be coming out anytime soon it would seem. The director for the project, Justin Lin, has already decided that he wants to give it a go and that finding talent wouldn’t be the hard part. It would be deciding which story line to go with since he’s currently poring over about nine different iterations of the story that could be used in order to bring this sequel to the public. Some however question whether or not it should actually be delivered to the public or if the original film should be left alone to stand as a triumph and a fond bit of nostalgia for those that got to watch it in theaters and at home so many years ago.

The original film as you recall starred Michael Jordan as the lead player, and also included star athletes Patrick Ewing, Charles Barkley, Muggsy Bogues, Shawn Bradley, Larry Johnson, and several others including Larry Bird and Vlade Divac to name a few. Bill Murray was also a big part of the film despite not having a lot of screen time. There was such a huge buzz about the fusion of live action and cartoons that people flocked to the theater to see Jordan and the Looney Tunes take on the Monstars, and a lot of them weren’t disappointed. This sequel however would star LeBron James as the main character along with another star-powered cast that people would no doubt recognize as some of the most up and coming athletes and actors in their respective industries. But things aren’t progressing as quickly as fans might like.

It’s going to take time it would seem for Lin to really come to grips with the story that he wants to tell and the plot that’s going to grab the attention of viewers. You can’t simply slap a movie up on the screen and hope that people will like it. Well, actually you can but in this case there’s a legacy to consider, and also a lot to be done in bringing the story to life since doing the same exact thing might be great for those that never saw the movie, but wouldn’t attract those that saw it, have seen it again, and would recognize the same plot. In other words LeBron is going to have to be given a whole new challenge that Jordan didn’t have to face. There’s going to have to be a protagonist that hasn’t been seen yet, or the same one might have to be brought back in some different way. Lin is at this time exploring his options and won’t be pushing to get the movie made until he’s sure of his course.

Some people might agree that this movie really doesn’t need to be made, as sequels run a big chance of marring the quality of the originals that they were made from. But it might be time to give Space Jam 2 a chance.

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