credit: She-hulk
It was known as the Snap for a short time since it was quite literally a snap of Thanos’ fingers that would change the MCU in a big way when half of the known universe was erased from existence. Whether anyone wants to keep thinking that Thor should have aimed for the head or not is kind of irrelevant since if he had, the story would have ended quickly and with only minimal losses compared to what happened. But despite the strange name change to the Blip, the devastation that came as a result was hard to fathom since trying to imagine what the world would be like with half its population went through is tough for many people. Think about that; billions went in an instant, not just millions, but billions. The odds of being one of those who would be around after such an occurrence are hard to figure out without simplifying the equation. Still, so many heroes were left to combat Thanos and his Black Order due mainly to movie magic and a heavy helping of plot armor that made it possible to keep some of the most powerful beings around.

credit: She-hulk
The Blip is becoming a thing of the past, or so it would appear.
Moving forward is essential after all, and dwelling on what came before isn’t always a great idea. Still, it would appear that the sacrifices made before are being treated with a little less care than they should since the shows that have come along recently mention past events but are still absorbed in their own stories. This is a positive development, specifically, since wrapping today’s shows in the shroud of what happened years before wouldn’t be the best idea. But there have been moments when it would appear that the current shows don’t always appear to regard the past events and those that lived through them with a great deal of respect. Maybe this is a perceived slight and nothing serious, but at the same time, it does feel as though striding forward while trying to make light of the past could be a mistake. Then again, it could be an exciting way to show humility later on, but that’s a concern for later.
One has to remember that many people in the MCU had to deal with the Blip in their own way.
Some were present for the five-year period caused by the mad titan, but others had to deal with a world that had moved on without them when they returned. To say that everyone was a victim of the Blip is accurate. But now that it’s come and gone, one has to wonder if it’s going to remain as a landmark in pop culture or if it will become just another waypoint for those who are willing and ready to learn all about the MCU and how far it was taken from start to wherever it ends up in the years to come. The Blip is kind of an odd moniker to give such an important point in the franchise, but as of now, this is how many people have come to regard the event that ended Infinity War and started the struggle that would become Endgame.

credit: Avengers: Endgame
It is important that the legends who fought during the Blip be remembered.
So far, Iron Man has been one of the biggest names remembered from the Infinity Saga, but Captain America has also been a significant mention. Remembering everyone who fought in those furious battles is still essential, though, since they’ve also been shaping the MCU. The fun thing about that is that several of the heroes have been mentioned at one point or another or given their own time to shine after the Blip. This is why, despite the flippancy directed at the recent past, it feels as though the MCU is making certain that those names are remembered. It does feel as though heroes such as Black Panther and a few others might have to wait for Wakanda Forever to come out to really get noticed again, which doesn’t feel right since Wakanda was instrumental near the end of the Infinity Saga. But it could be that the Wakandans will have their due eventually.
Moving on from the Blip is normal, and remembering it is essential.
To be fair, the Blip doesn’t have to be referenced in every other line or even in every episode. There’s more to do and a lot of stories left to tell that need to focus forward. But moving forward at the expense of the past experiences that made the such movement possible is still a bad idea. The Blip changed many things; it would be nice to reference that every now and then.
After all, we move forward based on what happened in the past, whether we like it or not.
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