Has Taylor Swift Been Cast as Dazzler in Deadpool 3? What You Need to Know

Deadpool — the movie of Marvel’s sarcastic, fourth-wall-breaking mercenary, has always been synonymous with unexpected cameos and meta-humor. As anticipation builds for the release of Deadpool 3, which stars Ryan Reynolds as well as Hugh Jackman reprising his role of Wolverine, the upcoming film promises to merge the wild antics of its titular character with the expansive Marvel Cinematic Universe. Since Deadpool is known to break the fourth wall with pop culture references, it won’t be a surprise for the franchise to end up including Taylor Swift as she has lately been the talk of the town for her film, music, and growing net worth.

High-profile actors such as Matt Damon and Brad Pitt have previously made cameos in Deadpool. Therefore, seeing the world’s favorite pop star on the silver screen alongside Deadpool is possible and will certainly be fun. Let’s figure out why everyone things Swift has been cast in Deadpool 3 and what Shawn Levy, the film’s director, says about it. 

Does Taylor Swift Have a Role in Deadpool 3?

Deadpool in the Movie

No, Taylor Swift does not have a role in Deadpool 3 at the moment. While there are rumors, the answer comes after Reynolds, who plays the main character Deadpool, confirmed that Swift will not be appearing in the film. The rumors took off because of certain pictures circulating on social media showing swift hanging out with Reynolds and Jackman. Given Deadpool‘s history of unexpected cameos and twists, it’s easy to see why fans might get excited about such rumors. While it would have been entertaining to see Taylor Swift team up with our beloved mercenary, this news is only as real as the previous rumor about Tom Cruise playing Iron Man in Doctor Strange 2.

Comments from Shawn Levy, Deadpool 3 Creator About Taylor Swift’s Involvement

Sneakpeak of Deadpool 3

Shawn Levy, the director of Deadpool 3, has been super evasive about Taylor Swift’s rumored involvement in the movie. When addressing the speculation on the Happy Sad Confused podcast with Josh Horowitz, Levy neither confirmed nor dismissed the buzz around Swift’s potential casting. He has been consistently non-committal every time the topic has come up. 

Horowitz even brought up the character Dazzler — a role Swift is rumored to be associated with — to which Levy playfully responded, “Um, it sure escapes the lips of social media every day, and that’s all I’m gonna say.” Pushed further on if Swift would be a good fit for Dazzler, Levy intriguingly commented, “Sounds like a great idea… I am thrilled to be talking about other things.” Levy’s statements have only fanned the flames of fan speculation.

Why Are There Speculations About Taylor Swift Being Cast in Deadpool 3?

Ryan Reynolds and Co-stars in Deadpool 2

Rumors about Taylor Swift being cast in “Deadpool 3” initially began circulating when Swift was seen in a photo with Deadpool 3 director Shawn Levy. Insider claims suggested she might play the character Dazzler, affiliated with the X-Men in Marvel Comics. These speculations gained traction and the chatter intensified as Levy neither confirmed nor denied these claims in his media interactions. The combination of insider buzz, photographs, and Levy’s evasive answers has fueled the ongoing speculation about Swift’s potential role in the movie.

Who Is the Cast Behind Deadpool 3?

Possible Halle Berry Cameo

As of now, the confirmed cast for Deadpool 3 includes Ryan Reynolds reprising his iconic role as Deadpool — the “Merc With a Mouth.” Hugh Jackman has also been associated with the film and will return as the famous Wolverine. However, there are rumors about various other celebrities, including Taylor Swift, possibly making cameo appearances. Halle Berry and Taron Egerton have been mentioned as potential cast members, with Berry possibly playing Storm and Egerton as a Wolverine variant. Director Shawn Levy hasn’t provided a complete list as of yet.

What Is the Plot of Deadpool 3?

Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool

As of now, the specific plot details for Deadpool 3 are kept under wraps. However, the film will be R-rated, that’s for sure. It was confirmed earlier by Levy. It is also confirmed that the film will be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The nature of its plot, however, and how it will fit into the larger MCU narrative remains a mystery. Given the ongoing developments with the Multiverse in the MCU, there are endless possibilities. 

When Is Deadpool 3 Releasing?

Dealpool in Deadpool 2

Deadpool 3 was originally scheduled for a release on May 3, 2024. However, due to the SAG-AFTRA strike, production was halted, and its initial release date was dropped. Currently, there’s no confirmed new premiere date for the film. So a lot of details, including the plot, release date, and various cameo inclusions, including that of Taylor Swift, are under wraps for now — with Reynolds rejecting her involvement in the film altogether.

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