Whether they were discussing massive sized tumors or preparing for the future, the doctors on Grey’s Anatomy tried to take one step at a time this week.
However Dr. Herman and Amelia seem to be walking a fine line between taking baby steps and running a marathon. Amelia is talking a mile a minute to the residents about how she plans to attack Herman’s tumor, and it goes right over their heads. Stephanie is the first to understand that the whole tumor needs to be looked at, and then attacked a piece at a time. Herman meanwhile prepares a crash course of fetal surgery cases to teach Arizona before it’s time for Herman to go under the knife. I guess we can call this a sprint to see which will win out first, the work or the tumor.
Still adjusting to Derek’s absence, Meredith has taken to keeping the kids in her room at night. At work, Meredith distracts herself with new cases, but is utterly stumped when her latest patient has a tumor too large to visualize. So Meredith enlists Bailey and her sister Maggie to help her solve the problem using the 3D printer. Since a 3D printer takes a very long time, we get a very interesting scene of “bedtime stories” in the meantime, from the female doctors who discuss their comfortability with their personal sleeping arrangements. Once the 3D model is done Alex, Jo, and Stephanie assist their friends in saving the patient. All it needed was baby steps. Meredith also seems to have found two new bedtime buddies: the 3D tumor she nicknamed “Cyclops,” and her sister Maggie via Facetime.
Continuing from last week’s heartbreaking realization that their baby had Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Jackson and April went through further testing this week to see how severe the condition was. Being raised by physicians means Jackson’s mind goes in a very practical direction, wanting to have a plan in place just in case the tests do not show what they hope. April is simply trying to take the process one step at a time. Which is why calling her mother may not have been the best idea, since the woman is Jackson’s opposite saying that God has a plan. After Jackson and April’s mom get into an argument, April yells at them to shut up, saying that their way of dealing with things has left her alone in this. As he promised though, Jackson shuts up and spends the remainder of the episode simply holding his wife. When Arizona comes into the room the next day however, the look on her face says it all, and Jackson realizes he needs to brace for the worst.
Luckily there were some decisions that were easier to face than others. Alex refused to hit pause on his and Jo’s private time if Meredith called, until Jo applied the rule for Stephanie, so now all bets are off. Also Callie and Owen were faced with the reality of their ability to move on from their former spouses, and while neither of them is necessarily ready, they at least faced the fact that they’re going to have to be eventually. The Grey’s doctors all have various issues with how they handle their intimacy, but isn’t that apart of the reason we’ve grown to love them?
Were you amused at the doctor’s “bedtime” issues? What will Jackson and April do when faced with the worst next week?
[Photo via ABC]
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