5 Most Iconic Game of Thrones Moments Fans Still Can’t Get Over


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Game of Thrones — a show that evokes awe for its epic storytelling and groans for the controversial finale. For eight seasons, it held the world captive with its intricate plotlines, unforgettable characters, and the sheer scale of its pop culture domination. Dragons, politics, revenge, and epic battles — the show had it all!

And even with the abhorrent final season, there’s no denying Game of Thrones is undoubtedly one of the greatest shows ever created. Today, we’re setting aside the controversial ending to celebrate the moments that made us fall in love with the series. Here are 5 of the most iconic Game of Thrones moments that still have fans talking, years after the show has ended.

1. The Execution of Ned Stark

Execution of Ned Stark in Games of Thrones

The first season of Game of Thrones was a wonderful start to the story, until Episode 9, “Baelor,” truly set the brutal tone for the series going forward. It’s our #1 pick on this list for a reason. Ned Stark’s execution was the scene that grabbed you by the throat, looked you dead in the eye, and unapologetically declared: welcome to Westeros, where nobody is safe.

Ned Stark had been the main protagonist up until that point and was played by big-name, fan-favorite actor Sean Bean. We all thought he’d end up becoming the King in the end. No one could have even imagined that he would die — that too so early on in the show. King Joffrey (Jack Gleeson) had initially agreed to spare him, but in classic Game of Thrones fashion, he changed his mind on a whim, and Ned was beheaded with his own sword as his daughters watched in horror. From that moment onwards, Game of Thrones established itself as an unpredictable show where anything could happen, and good guys didn’t always win.

2. The Red Wedding

Hold the Door in Games of Thrones

Season 3, Episode 9, “The Rains of Castamere,” has gone down in history as one of the greatest television episodes ever made. There’s a ton of tension as we build to the climax. The haunting “Rains of Castamere” begins to play as Catelyn Stark (Michelle Fairley) notices the Freys wearing armor. Just as the realization slowly dawns on you that something is seriously wrong, a heavily pregnant Talisa (Oona Chaplin) is stabbed in the stomach. Catelyn pleads with the Freys to let Rob (Richard Madden) go. Her woeful cries leave a heart-sized hole in your chest, right as Robb is killed. Shortly after, Catelyn is slain too. And the scene lives rent-free in our heads.

Even in a world as brutal as Game of Thrones, some rules were never meant to be broken. Marriage pacts, and guests’ rights — these were the threads that held Westeros together. Slaughtering guests at a wedding, especially after accepting bread and salt, was unthinkable. But it happened, and Game of Thrones once again established: You think you know the show? Think again. No one is safe.

3. Hold the Door!

Hold the Door - Games of Thrones

In Season 6, Episode 5, “The Door,” we learn the tragic backstory of Hodor (Kristian Nairn). As Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) wargs into Hodor’s mind during an attack, we see that Hodor’s condition was caused by a time-travel paradox. Young Hodor (Sam Coleman), originally named Wylis, hears Meera (Ellie Kendrick) shouting “Hold the door!” in the future. This phrase echoes back to his past self, causing a seizure and destroying his mind. The young Wylis keeps repeating the phrase “Hold the door!” until it slurs into “Hodor,” the only word he’s been able to say for the entirety of the show.

And just as we come to understand Hodor, we lose him. He was such an obscure background character, yet the setup of his intricate backstory is a masterclass in storytelling. No other show has come close to replicating such a perfectly orchestrated yet heartbreaking reveal.

4. Tyrion Lannister’s Trial

Tyrion Lannister in Games of Thrones

Number four on our list is the scene we all secretly reenact in the shadows. In Season 4, Episode 6 “The Laws of Gods and Men,” Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) faces a trial rigged by Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) and Tywin Lannister (Charles Dance) where he knows he’ll be wrongfully accused of Joffrey’s assassination. Still, he plans to play along, plead guilty, and be exiled to the Night’s Watch for a crime he did not commit. But as the trial goes on, he hears some unexpected testimonies that break the camel’s back. Varys’ (Conleth Hill) words sting, but the betrayal of his lover, Shae (Sibel Kekilli), truly breaks him.

The man who’d been ostracized his entire life for being a dwarf — ignored by his father, hated by his sister, and mocked by the very city he helped defend —  finally snaps. He denounces the people of King’s Landing and his own family, demanding a trial by combat. Dinklage’s performance in this scene was nothing short of spectacular, and this moment cemented Tyrion as a fan favorite.

5. The Battle of the Bastards

Battle of the Bastards - Game of Thrones

Last but not least, Season 6, Episode 9, “Battle of the Bastards,” single-handedly redefined television action. The despairing moment when Jon Snow (Kit Harington) catches his brother, Rickon (Art Parkinson), in his arms after he is killed by Ramsay’s (Iwan Rheon) arrow is truly heartbreaking. When Jon realizes that the cavalry is charging toward him and he is all alone, he unsheathes his sword to face the entire army himself — if this moment alone doesn’t stir something inside of every fan, what would? 

But then, the real battle begins, and we get a continuous one-take shot that pulls us straight into the heart of the carnage. The utter terror of war is right there on the screen — the muck, the confusion, and the dread. The episode won seven Emmys and erased any lingering belief that TV, in some respects, was less than cinema, while also raising the bar for all shows to come. Game of Thrones will be delighted to learn that the prequel series A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms has begun filming.

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