Five Things You Didn’t Know about Astrid Bavaresco

Five Things You Didn’t Know about Astrid Bavaresco

It’s not always necessary to talk ill of people and it’s not a good practice, so when speaking of WAGS star Astrid Bavaresco I’ll do my best to be civil. But truly, honestly, and without a doubt it seems as though fame these days includes almost anyone and everyone that has something to do with a celebrity in some way. WAGs is of course the reality show feature wives and girlfriends of famous athletes, but it is also another reality show bent towards creating controversy and vapid, uninteresting content that relegates it to a running soap opera rather than a truthful and interesting show. Those that love the soap opera feel of this show no doubt enjoy it and look forward to every episode. But for anyone that’s attained the level of education that Astrid has it seems like a bad joke to agree to be on this type of show.

Here are a few things you might not know about Astrid.

5. She’s a speech therapist.

With her education it seems like she could go anywhere or do anything. But instead she’s opted to go on TV and cackle like one more hen in a group of them that already make enough noise to be heard from nearly a hundred yards away. It’s a little frustrating to think that anyone with the intelligence she’s so obviously cultivated has anything to do with a show this ridiculous.

4. She’s indecisive when it comes to men.

Perhaps her intelligence remains potent in her professional life because in her personal life it seems as though she’s already slipped up. She’s been found to be dating two men at a time, neither of which seem to know or care for that matter. For her own part she seems to realize that she should let go of at least one of them, but she can’t make up her mind who it should be.

3. She loves nice guys and bad boys but wants something in between.

This is one of the many things that confuses and confounds men when a woman reveals her feelings. So many women want the bad boy attitude and yet they want to be treated like ladies while at the same time still being recognized as the queen bee. Ladies, you get one or the other, few guys will ever be so perfect as to appease you in every way.

2. She is a star on WAGS Miami.

Just watching a minute and a half of this show was enough to tell that I don’t want to watch any more. Granted, it is a reality show and should be expected to be a bit dumbed down, but when the women begin to talk I do believe I felt my intelligence start to quiver as it threatened to drop. Regardless if they’re all intelligent and well-educated, as some of them might well be, they still sound like insipid teenagers that have yet to figure out that life is about more than their petty concerns.

1. She’s a former fashion star.

This isn’t hard to see, or guess at. She’s got the look of someone that loves to pose for the camera and is quite good at it. Once again though her education it would be more expected now to see her behind the camera or directing the photo shoots.

She’s not a dumb lady at all, but she could have picked a better show to be on.


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