Five Nutritional Documentaries You Really Need to See

Five Nutritional Documentaries You Really Need to See

March is national nutrition month, and as you might guess people are going to be encouraged to exercise, eat better, and entertain a healthier lifestyle in order to live longer. If that’s the case then there are a few nutritional documentaries that you might want to check out before you go full bore into your routines and start working on that summer body. After all winter is pretty much over and now is when people are going to be wanting to shed the winter fat, if there’s any still there, in favor of retrieving that trim and fit body that they enjoy during the warmer months. These movies might not help do that, but they were at least made in the spirit of making people aware just what they should and shouldn’t be putting into their bodies to achieve the look they’re going for.

They tend to go about it in a very ‘doom and gloom’ kind of way though.

5. Food Stamped

A lot of people in the US have been on the food stamp program at least once or twice in their lives. While it’s not something that a lot of people choose to go on it is a lifesaver for others that can’t really afford to feed their family any other way. Unfortunately the cost of food makes this program less effective as the downside is that in many grocery stores that accept food stamps, the cheapest food is usually the most unhealthy stuff available. So that leaves the question, is it really the fault of those that can’t afford the healthy items when they bring home junk food?

4. Vegucated

A small group of people were given the task to go vegan for a certain amount of time and to be honest none of them really thought that they would make it. Upon trying it the group became even more doubtful, right up until they saw the deplorable way in which livestock are typically treated. Once they saw this the truth of what’s been happening for so long however their minds were changed quite a bit.

3. Hungry for Change

This is where the doom and gloom tends to come in as we continually hear what is going on with everyone else in the world but are forced to hear a more generalized version of what’s going on. It might be very real as to what is happening in the world, but the biased words of each side tend to fall on the ears of those that want to listen and create a confusing jumble that people have to sort through on their own. One word of advice would be to take each opinion that’s heard with a grain of salt and make your own decisions based on your own health.

2. Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

This film tends to want to introduce us to a blended or juice diet in which the host comes to America and refuses to eat anything he sees other than the blended juice that he seeks to cleanse himself with for so many days in an attempt to lose weight and cleanse his body. The cleansing diet might work for some, but it’s not a cure-all for every person. Like all methods it’s what works for you, not what works for everyone else.

1. Supersize Me

Supersize me is a hard film to take largely because it follows a guy that eats nothing but McDonald’s food for a set period of time. Being that he’s active and eats more vegan meals than anything in the beginning this does take a toll on him. He also becomes addicted to the extra fattening and sodium-laced foods. But aside from that, this is based on the assumption that many people do this same thing day in and day out.

When trying to sort out your own health, try to see all sides, not just those condemning the junk food industry.

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