Five Actresses Who Should Play Allison Mack in the Eventual Lifetime Movie

Five Actresses Who Should Play Allison Mack in the Eventual Lifetime Movie

You remember Allison Mack right? She played in Smallville and had a very loyal following for a while as Chloe Sullivan, one of the main characters on the show.  That all changed when she was arrested by the FBI for sex trafficking, a charge that she’s been trying to fight since she was taken in. The allegations were enough to rock those that had stood by her for so long and the fans as well, but as Dorothy Cummings McLean from LifeSite reported a short while back it seems that this wasn’t seen as cult by the participants, but instead a way to empower women. Mack actually pleaded guilty to racketeering and could be looking at serving a decade or more in prison. Some folks are actually glad that she finally stood up to admit what she did while others are still in shocked disbelief that anyone could defend what was happening for so long by calling it ’empowerment’ when the acts that were committed and the fact that the women who were recruited were asked to seduce the leader of the group and to be branded. To top it off you know that there will be an eventual Lifetime movie about this coming out, and as a result we’re going to chime in on who we think could fit the bill for Mack.

Here are just a few choices that might pan out.

5. Julianne Hough

Julianne Hough seems like she’d be a good fit since her skill set is up to the task and she’s been in enough movies that have shown her flair for the dramatic that it’s obvious she could take on this role. Some might think that it might be creepy for any woman to take on a role of being a sex trafficker but this is the job. Actors have to get into character all the time and it’s not always bound to be the absolute best character that any could think of. But being Allison Mack wouldn’t be the issue, it would be knowing that these things actually happened.

4. Saoirse Ronan

Saoirse has grown up quite a bit through the last several years and it does seem as though she’s ready to take on more and more roles that would paint her either in an ill light or at least make her the smiling antagonist that doesn’t think she’s the bad guy. Her acting skills are definitely good enough and she’s capable of turning on the charm when she needs to in order to really identify or repel the audience as is needed. In many ways she’s perfect for the role since she can be nice and chipper and then just cold and aloof without barely trying.

3. Sophie Lowe

So far it would seem that Sophie has the kind of experience she needs but this would perhaps give her the push in the right direction that could really elevate her career to the next level. While it is essentially bound to be a TV movie there’s nothing to say that it wouldn’t lead to further opportunities. Sophie has been moving in the right direction with her career so far, maybe this would be just the thing to give it that extra boost that it would need to really go somewhere.

2. Candice King

A lot of these picks do have to do with looks since it’s usually kind of nice to see someone that has the same, or similar look, and obviously the talent be picked for a role such as this. Candice has the look and she obviously has the talent from her resume as it’s been seen that she has plenty of experience and has been in the type of shows that people tend to like watching. Putting her in as Allison wouldn’t be too hard, she wouldn’t even have to alter the color of her hair.

1. Emma Roberts

Yes, Emma ROBERTS, not Emma WATSON. Not that Watson couldn’t do this, but Roberts is a little more familiar with TV and seems bound to be just a little more available, possibly. Emma has shown what she’s got in movies and on TV and has been equally great in both since she’s provided a good deal of backup and been able to create characters that people either love or simply love to hate. That being said she can also be a very balanced character when on screen since she knows how to get people on her side and how to repel them in a way that makes the audience wish for her character’s death a hundred times over. She’s good enough and she has the right look, so it would definitely work.

There are likely a lot of other women that could play this role, but choosing from all of them was a bit difficult since there a lot of talented actresses in show business.

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