7 Sherlock Holmes Personality Traits Henry Cavill Perfectly Captures in Enola Holmes

Enola Holmes has taken Netflix by storm. Featuring Henry Cavill and Millie Bobby Brown, the movies bring about a fresh perspective, venturing outside of the original novels. Cavill brings Sherlock to life through his charisma and stellar performance. This article dives into seven personality traits of Sherlock Holmes that Henry Cavill nails in Enola Holmes. 

While fans may have become all too comfortable seeing Benedict Cumberbatch and Robert Downey Jr. play Sherlock Holmes, Henry Cavill rises to the occasion and brings a rather unconventional perspective to the role in Enola Holmes. He radiates empathy and ease while perfectly capturing the essence of Sherlock Holmes. These are the Sherlock Holmes traits he captures the best.

1. Intelligence

Sherlock standing next to a carriage in Enola Holmes

While the Netflix adaption may deviate significantly from the original Nancy Springer novels, one thing that remains the same is Sherlock’s unparalleled intelligence and wit. After all, this is a key element of the character. In Enola Holmes, Sherlock Holmes remains London’s finest detective. 

Although the traditional role of intelligence fell upon Mycroft Holmes, the Holmes family has it running in their genes, which doesn’t leave Sherlock far behind the race. His brilliance is apparent when he decodes the Moriarty code. So while Enola Holmes takes a few liberties, Sherlock’s intellect remains steadfast. 

2. Analytical Nature

Sherlock Holmes plays snooker in Enola Holmes

Sherlock Holmes possesses an unmatched analytical nature, a trait that Cavill embodies flawlessly. His attention to minute details is precisely why he reigns supreme in the Holmes family lineage. The moment he sets foot in a room, Holmes silently assesses every nook, cranny and individual in search of even the slightest clue. No observation dares escape his piercing gaze.

Through Cavill’s palpable presence in every scene, Enola Holmes pays homage to Sherlock’s analytical nature. At the core of his character lies the unending urge for justice and curiosity. Though often portrayed as aloof, Sherlock is a champion for truth, which Henry Cavill encompasses brilliantly. 

3. Vices

Enola shoulders her drunk brother in Enola Holmes

Various adaptations of Sherlock Holmes depict his heavy reliance on alcohol and drugs, including opium, cocaine, and tobacco. However, considering the broad viewership, Enola Holmes has dimmed Sherlock’s vices significantly. For example, a notable scene is when Enola shoulders him back from the bar, heavily drunk.  

While Sherlock’s vices are not at the center stage, the producers and directors of Enola Holmes have included tactfully to stay true to his character. The subtle glimpses, therefore, allow audiences to sneak a peek into Sherlock Holmes’s darker side. Cavill portrays this immaculately while also playing a sillier role when drunk to offer some lightheartedness to the show.

4. Arrogance

Henry Cavill's Sherlock Holmes smirking in Enola Holmes

With intelligence comes Sherlocka’s inflated ego. His unwavering belief in his superiority and wit are human-like flaws in his character that transcend beyond his physical appearance. His character has an edge of arrogance, mostly because everyone always agrees with him. 

Henry Cavill plays Sherlock Holmes masterfully in Enola Holmes. Whether it’s his know-it-all stride, his sense of entitlement, or his aloofness, Cavill captures the very essence of Sherlock while still bringing a fresh perspective to the character. For example, his character still encompasses a little kindness compared to other role interpretations. 

5. Emotional Immaturity

A perplexed Sherlock Holmes in Enola Holmes

Unfortunately, Sherlock Holmes’s intelligence doesn’t extend to emotional intelligence. He often misunderstands emotions, proving his emotional immaturity. And because of this, Sherlock is left unable to connect or comprehend the feelings of those around him. 

In Enola Holmes, Cavill portrays Sherlock’s lack of emotional maturity differently than traditional adaptions of the role. He’s unable to console his sister and says all the wrong things, offering some humor to the character amidst the roboticness. Henry Cavill’s brilliant performance brings forth an accurate picture of Sherlock Holmes’ emotional cluelessness. 

6. Solitude

Sherlock Holmes alone in his study in Enola Holmes

In detective fiction, Sherlock Holmes walks the path alone. His wit sets him apart from ordinary people, making it difficult to find people of his intellect. His character is written to exist on the outskirts of society, immersed in his own world of detailed thoughts. 

Henry Cavill in Enola Holmes does a splendid job portraying Holmes’s isolation. With his elder brother, Mycroft, and trusty side-kick Watson out of the picture, viewers get a deeper glimpse into his solitude. He spends days in his cluttered apartment, which symbolizes the chaos in his head. However, certain instances point towards the possibility of his loneliness not being a choice but rather an unfortunate aftermath of his unparalleled intelligence. 

7. Obsessive Behavior

Enola and Sherlock while trying to solve a case in Enola Holmes

Solving cases often comes hand in hand with obsession and unwavering curiosity. After all, that’s one of the signs of a great detective. While many detectives have come and gone, none are comparable to the relentless obsession Sherlock Holmes harbors. His drive for the truth drives him to unthinkable lengths, often sacrificing sleep and food. 

Even in Enola Holmes, Sherlock’s obsessive behavior takes the limelight. His frustration while deciphering the Moriarty code can almost be felt outside the screen. Henry Cavill’s portrayal of this personality trait captures Sherlock’s essence; while masterfully bringing him to life.

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