Eddie Redmayne Reading “Fantastic Beasts” Is Soothing to the Soul

Eddie Redmayne Reading “Fantastic Beasts” Is Soothing to the Soul

There are a number of actors out there whose voices were just made for soothing us to sleep or putting us in a comfort zone that we’d want to stay in forever.  Morgan Freeman is usually the voice that always comes to mind, but there are others out there with their own unique sound that could even make us adults feel like children.   One of those voices is Eddie Redmayne.  Pottermore has just released a digital audiobook version of J.K. Rowling’s Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and it’s narrated by everyone’s favorite beast-smuggling wizard himself.

“There are some really great tongue twister words in here!” Redmayne told Pottermore. “I enjoyed the challenge and hope listeners can sense that in my narration.”  Luckily we have a clip that feature some of Redmayne’s narration.  While his voice isn’t quite as soothing and regal as a Morgan Freeman, if you lie down while listening to this it’s hard not to fall into a hypnotic trance and just lay there, still as a statue.

In fact I think I’m going to have to take a nap right now.  I wish Eddie Redmayne could read me bedtime stories every night.  Is that weird?  Perhaps, but it’s still true.

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