How Wilson Fisk Can Return For Echo After Hawkeye

The Hawkeye finale heavily implied that Echo put a stop to Kingpin’s reign of terror in the MCU before it ever began, but all may not be as it seems. Alaqua Cox made her MCU debut during Hawkeye and will soon be starring in her own Disney Plus Marvel series, Echo. Echo is a character with particular significance for both the Marvel comics and the MCU as she portrays a deaf superhero who possesses incredible combat skills and is a formidable street level hero.

Having joined the MCU late in the Hawkeye series, Echo was introduced as having a unique relationship with Vincent D’Onofrio‘s Kingpin who took her in following the death of her father. Despite the pair’s closeness, it is revealed that Kingpin was behind the death of Echo’s father and so she exacts revenge on her adopted guardian. Hawkeye episode 6, “So This Is Christmas?” sees Echo corner Kingpin in a dark alley and raising a gun to his face before cutting away, immediately followed by a loud gunshot. Considering the MCU’s track record for bringing characters back despite meeting their apparent ends, it seems likely that this isn’t the last time Echo and Kingpin will be facing off.

Why Wilson Fisk Can Return Despite Being Shot By Echo

Echo, played by Alqua Cox facing off against Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin

Firstly, Kingpin’s death is not shown on-screen. This is enough reason on it’s own to doubt the demise of Wilson Fisk, but his survival is also played out in the comics in spectacularly similar way. After finding out that Fisk was responsible for killing her father, Maya Lopez confronts him. She raises a gun to his face and the panels simply show a “Blam” rather than an actual death scene. Shortly after, it is revealed that Fisk survived the encounter but lost his sight. This incident forced him to go into hiding and recover for a short time which meant he temporarily lost control of Hell’s Kitchen, but it was not his end. In a similar vein, this could be how Fisk appears next in the MCU, recovering from his injuries and slowly regaining control of the city.

Is Vincent D’Onofrio Officially Returning As Kingpin For Echo?

Kingpin, played by Vincent D'Onofrio laid back looking imposing during the Daredevil series

D’Onofrio’s performance as Kingpin has been widely praised both for his appearances in Netflix’s Daredevil and Hawkeye. Along with the return of Charlie Cox‘s Matt Murdock, aka, Daredevil, D’Onofrio has been confirmed to play a significant role in Daredevil: Born Again which is set to release in Spring of 2024. Prior to this, Echo has been confirmed to release on Disney Plus on November 29th, 2023 and some exclusive early footage of the series was shared at D23 which saw Wilson Fisk wearing an eyepatch (via Variety). This seems to positively confirm that the storyline from the comics is being adapted to some extent and Echo and Kingpin will have another showdown soon. Clearly, the Kingpin is recovering well from his fatal encounter with Echo and will be back on Disney Plus soon.

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