10 Things You Didn’t Know about Dragon Ball Z’s Future Trunks

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Dragon Ball Z’s Future Trunks

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Dragon Ball Z’s Future Trunks

There’s a lot of talk about Vegeta and Goku throughout the Dragon Ball Z saga, but Future Trunks has managed to carve out his own area of popularity as well throughout the series. Among the many powerful beings he’s not quite on the same level as some but he’s still insanely powerful considering that Vegeta is his father. Being the son of a powerful saiyan isn’t just something someone goes around saying and Trunks has managed to back it up more than once in the Dragon Ball Z series since he’s taken on some of the toughest villains to date and handled them quite nicely. He does have his limits just like any character and tends to falter now and then since he is a being of flesh and blood. But when Trunks gets good and mad he’s not the kind of person you want to stick around.

Here are a few things you might not have known about him.

10. There’s a Yugi-Oh card based on him.

The card has a very touching story behind it that could be why it was never really questioned as to it’s insane similarity to Trunks when he’s summoned the saiyan power and turned his hair all spiky and blond. Tyler the Great Warrior card is one that seems like it might be something insanely tough to beat in the game, and it’s nearly a perfect likeness.

9. His story was inspired by the Terminator movies.

Liken Trunks to John Connor and this story becomes very feasible since the future where Trunks comes from is in fact being dominated by evil robots in a way and he is coming back in time to warn people of what’s going to happen. Plus, Cell is able to heal himself eerily like the T-1000.

8. Trunks has never had a tail.

If you look at Trunks as a baby you’ll realize that he’s NEVER had a tail. While it’s true that Goku and Gohan had theirs removed it’s hard to think that Vegeta would allow his son’s tail to be clipped. So it could be that the creator just forgot the whole tail business and moved on.

7. His name is a pun.

Trunks’ name is basically another word for underwear as his entire family is named after undergarments of some sort. Their family name is Brief, so that gives you a hint at the idea the creator had to work up a theme for Trunks’ family.

6. Between the different timelines he defeats all three major villains.

It’s funny to think that the others that took on the main villains did so in their own way and let them live simply for one reason or another. Trunks wasn’t playing around when he met the villains. Within an episode of meeting them he took each one out, proving that he was stronger and less inclined to show mercy or toy with the villains.

5. Both versions fight against Androids 17 and 18.

He’s faced the androids in the past and in his future, meaning that he’s had a chance to dispose of them a couple of times and hasn’t done it. To be fair though the Androids are pretty tough and have beaten other saiyans very handily.

4. Trunks and Vegeta get killed in the same way they kill others.

Trunks and his dad were both killed by taking beams of energy to the chest, yet they took out their opponents in the same way as well, by obliterating their bodies and leaving only a severed head behind.

3. Trunks kills Cell twice.

Through a good deal of confusion and time traveling Trunks and Cell have both managed to kill each other off twice, which proves that different time lines don’t necessarily affect the characters and allow them to live on in various time lines where they can affect the future or the past. It gets a bit confusing really.

2. He has his own brand of soda in real life.

The most you might see Dragon Ball Z characters over in the states is on various merchandise that can be sold in specialty shops most of the time but has made its way into other well-known stores. But on food products you’ll generally see other animated characters that are better known to a wider group of Americans. In Japan however Dragon Ball Z is used to push many different products, soda being just one of them.

1. He never thinks to use the Dragon Balls.

Considering that so many of his friends and those he cares about could have been wished back to life by using the Dragon Balls it’s a wonder why Trunks never once thought about doing this. There are of course explanations that might fit and could possibly shed some light on the subject but they’d be theories for the most part at this point.

Trunks is kind of a complicated character, which means he’s on the right show.

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