Dominic Fike: Rising Star in Music and Acting

Dominic Fike is an artist is recognized for his work on the HBO show Euphoria. However, prior to his acting, he had started to build a career in music. Fike’s ascent to fame started on the streaming platform Soundcloud, where he uploaded some of his early songs. Some of his songs were of great quality and in no time he was signed to the prestigious Columbia Records.

Fike is a young entertainer who has managed to experience significant success in two fields of entertainment. He has been able to replicate a feat that many people have struggled with. It is important to note that his acting career is still in its nascent stages but from all indications he is primed to grow into a person who is not just good at being a musician but is also a great actor. 

Dominic Fike Had a Difficult Childhood

Dominic Fike

Fike was born on December 30, 1995, in Naples, Florida. He is the third child of five children with three brothers and a sister. Dominic Fike did not have the most ideal childhood as his parents were largely absent from his life. His mother was constantly in jail and as a single parent, she had to juggle her time in prison with the absence of her children’s father.  

His interest in music started to manifest by the time he was 10 years old. Fike had gotten a guitar and started to teach himself how to play it and make songs. His first songs were made while he was still a student at Naples High School. As a child, he would spend time with one of his older brothers at a place called Backhouse which was where most of the parties in the neighbourhood happened. But as time went by his time at Backhouse led to the cultivation of his musical talents. 

He Released His First Body of Work When He Was 22

Dominic Fike

Dominic Fike’s first introduction to the creation of his own music was by making beats. He worked with 54, who is a producer, to make beats. Shortly after the two started to work together to make songs, 54 produced the songs and Fike sang them. A lot of the songs they worked on together became very popular on Soundcloud

By the time he was 21, he had started to work on creating music and put it in a collection. But this was affected by him going to jail for battering a police officer. It was while he was serving a house arrest sentence that he recorded some of the songs on the Don’t Forget About Me, Demos which was what catapulted him to fame. 

Dominic Fike had wanted to remain an independent artist but his mother was in court over a drug case. To ensure that she had the money for a good lawyer, he decided to sign with Columbia Records. The EP and a lot of his independently released music were taken off streaming services and the internet and then the EP was re-released after he signed with Columbia. He has now gone on to release more music including two albums.   

Dominic Fike Almost Lost His Job On Euphoria

Dominic Fike: Rising Star in Music and Acting

Dominic Fike being an addition to the cast of the second season of Euphoria, was announced in August of 2021. On the show, he played the role of Elliot, a drug addict who was in a love triangle with Rue, played by Zendaya and her best friend Jules played by Hunter Schafer. Fike’s presence on the show was also a bit ironic. At the time of production, he was an addict who was playing the role of an addict. 

This had devastating effects and almost led to the loss of his job. Speaking on if he was high on the show, he said this; “Oh my god. Yeah, dude. I was so fucked up during a lot of that show. It was really bad.” 

Sam Levinson the show’s creator had to hire a coach who was going to help him be sober but that did not work. He was also reprimanded a lot and that also did not work. In the end, Levinson had to use clips of the actor even while he was high. 

He Is Still Working on His Acting and Music

Dominic Fike

Dominic Fike had the chance to perform at Coachella for the first time in April 2023. Later that month he announced that he would be releasing his second album called Sunburn. The album was released on the 7th of July. His song “Monalisa” was part of the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse but was later removed and added to the Sunburn album. 

For his acting, he was cast in the 2023 film Earth Mama. His role in the film was a minor one, but it contributed to the overall success that the film has enjoyed. He is set to appear in an upcoming film called Little Death. 

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