Credit: Demon House
With a title like Demon House, it’s easy to think that this documentary on the Ammons house wasn’t going to be a gentle and calming story about a poltergeist. There are dozens of ghost stories out there, some of them legit and some of them a lot of hokum, but the thing about Demon House is that it does sound fairly genuine given what apparently happened at this location. Zak Bagans, a renowned name in the field of paranormal studies, bought the Ammons house to verify if the stories that had been told of demonic possession within the house were real, or had been made up somehow. But the tales that are retold in this documentary feel a little too fantastic to be made up, and the lingering effects that each person who stepped into the house exhibited feel as though they defy any easy explanation. The only trouble is that the audience isn’t getting the full story it feels, especially since it’s fair to think that the clean bill of health that these people were given before they stepped into the house, or interacted with those who had, that something might have been coming that would have compromised their physical well-being. It’s not doubt, it’s simply the desire to know the facts.

Credit: Demon House
Thanks to reality TV, it’s become tough to believe anything that’s supposed to be real.
Some would say that this is an excuse to be cynical and to doubt others, but the truth is that it’s far easier to doubt something these days than it is to believe anything that people say. The problem, of course, is that what we’ve seen on TV and in the movies has become so ridiculous, especially when it comes to true stories. There appear to be many people who swear that this story is real, but the fact is that trying to take people at their word is tough without solid evidence that people can see, hear, feel, and experience for themselves. Zak Bagans did this with the Ammons house, and it’s fair to say that the result was more than what he wanted, since it sounds as though all of those who came into contact with this house fell victim to one ill or another.
This type of story is bound to be believed by many people.
A lot of people want to believe in ghost stories and the supernatural since they don’t want to believe that the world they can see, touch, taste, and otherwise experience is all there is. But belief is a double-edged sword at times since it means that if you believe in one thing, then it’s likely that its opposite is bound to be just as real. In other words, if you want to believe in angels and benevolent spirits, then it’s fair to say that demons and foul spirits are bound to exist, as well. It’s not a pleasant thought, but we live in a world with various rules, and opposing forces tend to be part of that since otherwise, the system we live in would be horribly unbalanced. But whether a person believes in something or not, it’s not difficult to believe that their beliefs are sometimes irrelevant. There’s too much in this world that can’t be explained away with ease, and a lot of it is the kind of stuff that people don’t want to talk about since they can’t apply reason to its existence.

Credit: Demon House
It has been mentioned that demonic spirits find it tougher to latch onto certain people.
There’s a great deal of explanation that goes into this movie, but it’s easy to think that it’s best to watch and then find out what you want after it’s all said and done. The study of paranormal activities and demonology is interesting, not to mention dangerous if one doesn’t know what they’re doing. Bagans is a learned individual when it comes to paranormal activity, and yet even he admitted that the house and whatever was in it was affecting him in a negative manner. If that doesn’t carry some weight, then nothing else shown or stated in this movie should, to be honest.
The fact that the house was torn down still raises questions.
Some people would state that tearing down the house might mean that whatever was in the house would be set free, while others would simply be glad to see the house gone so that it might never bedevil another person. What really happened is anyone’s guess to be certain, but the fact that Bagans kept certain items from the house does indicate that something might remain, and the damage done to so many makes one feel that messing with anything that is known to have a less than pleasing history is not the best idea.
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