Why Deadpool Versus The Marvel Universe Should Happen

The MCU has a villain problem in phase five. Jonathan Majors‘s Kang the Conqueror was introduced in Loki but got his true chance to shine in Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania. The biggest news is that Majors’ future in the MCU doesn’t look too good based on personal manners outside of the brand. But Kang the Conqueror didn’t look particularly good in the latest Ant-Man entry.

A bunch of ants easily beat him, and that was certainly not a great look. Needless to say, not everyone can be Thanos. But Kang needed to be well protected like the big bad during phases 1 – 3. With Majors’ future in question, it would be a great time for the studio to go down a different path that brings back the excitement of the MCU. That’s where Deadpool comes in. The “merc with the mouth” is preparing for his huge battle against Wolverine in the third film. However, it’s only a manner of time before Deadpool is fully introduced into The Marvel Universe. Here’s why Deadpool versus the Marvel Universe should happen.

Deadpool Is A Powerful Mutant

Why Deadpool Versus The Marvel Universe Should Happen

Outside of the MCU canon, the comic Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe by Cullen Bunn was released in 2011. It all started due to Psycho-Man getting into the head of the anti-hero. With Deadpool’s dark side taking over, the “merc with the mouth” goes on a tear in the Marvel Universe, and the idea is quite brilliant. The comics aren’t perfect, but the idea is something that Marvel could use to freshen up the brand.

Kang the Conqueror isn’t doomed because he lost to Ant-Man. In fact, Kang can turn out to be as strong as Thanos if his remaining appearances are better written. However, having an anti-hero like Deadpool tear through the Marvel Universe brings a level of unpredictability and chaos that the MCU could benefit from. Deadpool is invincible, and he’s quite strong. As such, he would be a great villain since his ideology makes him stand out.

Deadpool is a Psychopath

Why Deadpool Versus The Marvel Universe Should Happen

Wade Wilson is an assassin who takes joy in murdering people. In fact, Deadpool has no issues hurting himself! The character is a psychopath, but the difference is that he’s always been on the good side. Deadpool has a morality that doesn’t gel with the overall MCU. Even the villains have less of a body count than Deadpool. One of the most compelling arcs has always been what the true definition of a hero is.

That was challenged in Civil War, but Deadpool isn’t Tony Stark or Steve Rogers. Though those characters are gone, the core of the MCU brand still carries that morality that would surely clash with Deadpool. There isn’t a proper way to address Deadpool in the MCU without questioning his method of madness. Altogether, he’s the perfect foe to challenge everyone’s ideology about heroism and life in general. The MCU was at its best when morals and heroism were truly tested.

It’s pretty much why Thanos is considered one of the best villains of all time. There’s a layer of heroism behind his actions, though the way he chose to carry out his plan made him come off as bad. Deadpool can easily be the same way, and the potential to put on the path of villainy is even greater.

The Story Can Create An Interesting Divide Between Heroes

Why Deadpool Versus The Marvel Universe Should Happen

What’s great about Deadpool is he’s an established hero. It wouldn’t be too hard to introduce him to the good guys. In the comics, the character has teamed with a number of heroes, including Thor, Captain America, and, most notably, Spider-Man. The love-hate relationship between Spidey and Wade is arguably the most fun dynamic out of all. So, Deadpool doesn’t have to kill all of the Marvel heroes.

Shaking up the formula by having an established face in the MCU into a villain creates endless opportunities for the Marvel canon itself. If Deadpool and Spider-Man teamed up, it actually could be a great way to introduce a live-action Miles Morales to counterbalance the latter. There also could be an X-Force. Or an odd couple pairing with Wolverine and Deadpool. There’s some much meat with Deadpool being the big bad that it’s an avenue that Marvel should truly consider. The “merc with the mouth” isn’t going to be in the MCU forever, so why not have him go out with a big bang? The MCU should have a bit of a shake-up, and Deadpool is the perfect character to do so.

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