Days of Our Lives fans might not always know what is going on around here, but we know that there are some things that make us wonder. We wonder how we will get through this. We wonder how things will turn out as they progress. We are well aware of a few things that are happening right now that might make a difference in the way things are going, but we also have a few thoughts about them that we want to share. There are a few story lines right now that might not make that much sense in the long run, but they will in the future. We have a few worries, and we want to bring those to light today.
Will Ben Have Side Effects
We have no idea if they will touch on this at all, but we have to touch on it here. We have some concerns. We worry. We feel that there is a significant chance this is a man who might not have a lot going for him when he is free from jail. We know that Ciara is going to get him out of there, but we already know that he’s had the medication put into his body and he has already flatlined. This means that he will have to be brought back to life from this state, and that’s not an easy job. They have already almost taken his life from him, and we have so many things to ask about that. Will this experience make him more appreciative of things, or will being on the brink of death’s door make him dark and cynical? Will this make him appreciate and love every moment of his life or will it make him feel as if things in his life will never be the same with him again? We don’t know, and we don’t know how this will affect Ciara, either. He was dead. He was that close, and now he is not. That changes a person.
Can Steve Come Back
Can he? We know that he is clearly out of prison if Rolf was able to take over his body and give it to Stefano, but what is going to happen when Stefano is done with it and wants to be moved out and taken elsewhere? Will this have a lasting effect on Steve’s body, or will it leave him dead and gone? We don’t know, but we do hope that it means Steve will come back — as himself this time — and that he and Kayla have another chance at love. We are sad that this means that Justin will lose two women in a year that he loved, but there is nothing that will change this for anyone. He has to be with Kayla. There is no other way for him to be with anyone else, and there is no way she can ever be truly as happy with another man as she is with Steve. So, there’s that. And, here is hoping, right?
Will Eric and Nicole Make it
She’s finding out the entire elaborate story of how Victor and Xander stole the baby that Kristin gave birth to following the accident and gave it to Sarah and Eric, unbeknownst to all of them. They don’t know, but she’s about to. She already kept this secret from Eric for so long — the secret that he had a baby, that is — and now she’s about to find out that this is not his baby. This entire plan was a disaster made to keep Kristin from being part of this family with Brady and to get rid of her, and now things are changing. This is going to kill him, and we don’t even know if there is a chance that things will work out if she tells him, if she doesn’t tell him, if things change. We don’t know. There is a lot we don’t know, and there is a lot that we cannot change. It’s a lot, but we aren’t sure that they have a chance at working things out for themselves if this comes out or even if she keeps it. She can’t keep it, can she? She wouldn’t have learned a thing.
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