10 Things You Didn’t Know about Cara Maria Sorbello

Cara Maria Sorbello

You know her from “The Challenge,” which showcases her reality television show talents. Cara Maria Sorbello has spent 12 seasons on the show previously known as the “Real World/Road Rules Challenge,” and she’s recently announced that her time on the show is coming to an end. She’s in need of a break, she’s not herself, and she’s not feeling as if she is doing herself any favors. She is done with this phase of her life right now, but she’s looking to move on and find herself again. A kickboxing instructor and unapologetic individual, we figure you might not know nearly as much about Cara Maria Sorbello as you thought you did. So, here you go.

1. She Lives in Montana

One thing that always surprises her fans is to learn that she lives and works in Montana. It’s not known for its lively activity or its big cities, but it’s known very well for its beautiful landscape and lovely scenery. She prefers this type of living to city living, though she was born in a larger area of Massachusetts. People might expect someone who has such a bold look to come from a bigger city, but she’s not the type.

2. She’s Smart

If there is one thing that doesn’t surprise us, it’s that Cara is smart. She’s not just book smart or street smart, either. She’s both. She maintains an almost-perfect GPA in college. She maintained a solid 3.5 GPA while studying psychology. She’s not just smart. She’s intelligent, and she shows that in her ability to get through life with common sense and with her education.

3. She Loves Horses

One thing she’s been doing all her life is horseback riding. She loves horses. She feels free and happy when she gets on top of one of her beloved animals and goes out into the wild to ride. We can see that despite not being riders ourselves. She is the kind of woman who prefers to do things that make her feel good on the inside, and this is one of those things. She’s impressive, and we love that about her. Riding is a release for her, and it’s one she has loved since she was a child without wavering in her love of the activity.

4. She’s Artistic

Not only is Cara a beautiful woman with a lot of talent riding, in school, and even in her career as a kickboxer, she’s also an artist. She likes to create beautiful works of art and put them on the internet to share with those who also love and appreciate artwork. She has an Etsy shop on which she sells her work to those who love them. You can find her shop here, and you can also shop for things that are created by one of your favorite reality stars.

5. She’s Wealthy

Rumor has it that her net worth is quite impressive. We understand that the estimate for Cara Maria Sorbello’s net worth is around the $1.5 million mark. It might not be Hollywood wealthy according to the standards of other television stars, but for a girl from a small town in Montana who likes to ride horses, create artwork, and kickbox, it’s not a bad sum of money to live with.

6. Drama is A Thing in Her Relationships

She might not be a mean girl, but she’s the kind of girl who doesn’t always surround herself with the right kind of men. She once said she does like the bad boy type, and that was made very evident when she began a relationship with another reality television star while he was still with another woman — who was also a reality television star — and caused their relationship to end so that her own could begin with him. It was very dramatic, it caused some serious issues with her fans, and it also taught her a hard lesson. Her boyfriend also cheated on her with another woman, and it was not a pleasant situation when she learned the truth about how it feels to know someone else is the other woman.

7. She’s Not a Party Girl

Something that many of her fans assume about her based solely on her bold look is that she likes to party and cause problems, but this could not be further from the truth. She prefers to be home. She likes to be calm and quiet. She likes to spend her time with herself, by herself, and with a small handful of people she loves. She’s not a big partier, which always seems to surprise people because they assume her look is one of a party girl.

8. She Stuck with Her Cheating Boyfriend

She wasn’t happy when she found out that Paulie Calfiore was not only cheating on his girlfriend at the time with her, but that he was also seeing a third woman at the same time. However, she managed to make it work with him despite all of that, and they are currently together and seemingly happy with one another. Perhaps she was able to see his cheating wasn’t specifically on her but on his then-girlfriend, and perhaps he ended things with both other women when he realized he cared more for her. We aren’t here to judge, but we can only speculate.

9. She’s Taking A Break

She needs some time to herself, and she’s not afraid to simply take that. She’s spent 12 seasons on reality television, and she’s ready to do something a little more lowkey and a little more her. She’s grown slightly tired of being the type of woman who is shown in only an edited light doing things she wouldn’t normally do all the time, so she is ready to take some time to herself. Her boyfriend is doing the same.

10. She’ll Likely be Back

There’s no reason to worry that you’re done seeing your favorite reality star. She’s said that while she needs a break right now, she eventually wants to go back to reality television. Her reason is that the money is so good she could never say no if they asked her to come back again.

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