The Bachelorette Finale Recap: Who Did Rachel Choose?

The Bachelorette is an American reality television dating game show that started on ABC in January 2003. It’s a spin-off of The Bachelor, which first aired in 2002. The premise of the show is to have a single bachelorette date multiple men over several weeks in order to find her potential husband. Each season begins with the bachelorette standing in front of the mansion and greeting each male contestant individually when they arrive.

Throughout the season, the bachelorette goes on group and individual dates to get to know the contestants better. At the end of each episode, the bachelorette gives roses to the men she wants to continue getting to know. Those who don’t receive a rose must leave the show. This process continues until there are two men left, at which point the bachelorette visits their families. After these visits, the men have the opportunity to propose to the bachelorette in the season finale. On the 19th season of The Bachelorette, Rachel and Gabby met 32 men. But who did Rachel really choose at that time?

What Happened To The Bachelorette Season 19?

In The Bachelorette Season 19, something surprising happened. Zach decided to leave the show before he could get a rose. He didn’t like something he saw in Rachel and decided to stop seeing her. After Zach left, Rachel introduced Tino and Aven to her family and friends. But another surprise occurred.

Aven said he wasn’t sure about marrying Rachel at the end of the show. When Rachel heard this, she felt sad and told Aven to leave. This left only Tino in the game before the last episode. Gabby, like Rachel, also had only one man left, which was not the usual case. Usually, there are two men left for each lady.

So, in the end, only two men were left in the game – Tino for Rachel and Erich for Gabby. This wasn’t such a big surprise, as Tino and Erich were the only men left. They were likely to be the ones chosen by Rachel and Gabby. This season was special because it was the first time both Bachelorettes led the entire season together.

To Whom Did Rachel Get Engaged On The Bachelorette?

Throughout the show, Rachel had to make many choices. But the biggest one was when she chose Tino. This happened right from the start when she gave him the first impression rose. This means he made a strong impact on her from their first meeting. As the show went on, their bond became stronger, even when they had to face tough times. But despite this, she chose to stick with Tino.

Tino told Rachel, “I love you a lot. I’ll love you forever. You make me feel special, and I want to make you feel special, too, for our whole lives. I really love you, Rachel. Will you marry me?” She said yes, many times over. They had a special moment on the TV show on September 20. However, things got tricky when Rachel met Tino’s parents in California and thought they didn’t like her.

On September 13, during the first part of The Bachelorette finale, Rachel told her parents about Tino’s family before they met him in Mexico. Tino talked to Rachel’s dad, Tony, and promised always to make Rachel happy. Her family liked Tino and approved of him. Tino shared his feelings and told Rachel he would never want to hurt her.

Are Rachel And Tino Still Together?

Sadly enough, Rachel and Tino are no longer a couple. After the show ended, their relationship started to struggle, and things became more difficult when Tino cheated on Rachel by kissing another woman. At first, Tino kept this secret from Rachel, but he later admitted his mistake. The damage was too big, and Rachel ended their relationship after learning the truth.

After The Bachelorette finale, Tino confessed in an interview that he regretted cheating on Rachel and not telling her immediately. He said that Rachel deserved to know the truth right away. Tino said he felt sorry and wished he could give back the time Rachel lost because of his mistake. He also mentioned that he started to take therapy seriously after their breakup to understand why he behaved the way he did. He admitted that his actions were wrong and not in line with the person he wants to be, especially towards someone he really loved.

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