Author: Tom Foster

A lover of great stories and epic tales, Tom is a fan of old and new-school ideas. As a novelist and a screenwriter, he enjoys promoting one story or another. With 18k+ articles and 40 novels written, Tom knows a little something about storytelling.

Why The Knights of Ren Need a Spinoff

It’s kind of amusing that anyone would want to see the Knights of Ren mentioned in  Star Wars lore again, but there’s a definite story to be told

Cobra Kai Season 4 Only Gets Better

For everyone that hasn’t binge-watched season 4 of Cobra Kai, there are going to be spoilers, so be prepared. But for those of us that have gone through

Merlin vs. DC and Marvel

It’s not too often that we get to talk about DC and Marvel in the same sentence without talking about a massive crossover the likes of which we haven

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