Burn Notice 4.14 “Hot Property” Review
If you missed last weeks review you can find it here. After last weeks episode, I began to have nervous feelings about “Hot Property”. I thought m
If you missed last weeks review you can find it here. After last weeks episode, I began to have nervous feelings about “Hot Property”. I thought m
After being gone for 2 months, Michael and his crew are back. Will his time in the hospital change Michael’s attitude? Will this explosive episode (yes
Season 2 Premiere: Tuesday September 21 8:00 p.m. on FOX It’s time to grab your sheet music and warm up your voices because Glee is coming back for a se
Will the summer finale live up to the expectations we as Psych fans want, or will the comedy in this Bourne-esque episode be too undercover? The amount of gue
With Nestor Carbonell and Curt Smith guest starring this week, will we Shout praises of this episode or will all be Lost in the guest stars? The guest star
This is the moment all Burn Notice fans have waited for this season. Does Jesse kill Michael, doe Barrett kill Michael, or does nobody die at all. Spoiler War
Can Shawn and Gus find out what some escaped convicts are up to, or will a Snickers bar be enough to distract Shawn? I have to say, that Psych once again does
Will going against the Chief’s wishes stop Shawn and Gus, or will their 60-year-old dopplegangers stop them…while going 5 miles an hour? There wer
Will putting Michael in prison give him the push to tell Jesse the truth or will it make him a more harden person? First off, Garret Dillahunt is back to play
Racing is a dangerous sport. Can Shawn and Gus survive this week or will they end up crashing and burning? To begin I have to talk about this week’s gue