Ariana Grande Handles a Stage Crasher Like a Pro

There are a lot of mixed feelings out there when it comes to Ariana Grande.  If you’re talking to a number of older females they’ll tell you they don’t get a good vibe from her.  It’s understandable given her relationship issues and public statements she’s made in the past.  It seems however, she’s matured so maybe it’s time to give her another chance?  Besides, there’s no doubt that the younger crowds love her and obviously the males do.  I have to say I’m kind of a fan.  Not necessarily of her music but Grande is an actual talent.  She has an incredible voice and she’s a phenomenal performer.  You don’t have to like her music to know that about her.

Speaking of performances, Grande handled a potentially scary situation at a concert like a pro last night. Ariana was putting on a show Wednesday at the Wells Fargo Center in Philly, where some guy somehow got onstage and slowly crept his way toward her through the fog. Security swoops in quick and yanks him away, yet stopped short of getting cops involved. But watch how Ariana plays off the scary situation in the moment.

I don’t care what you think of Ariana Grande.  This is definitely a veteran move by the singer.  Nicely done.

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