It’s hard to admit that Real Steel didn’t exactly wow a lot of people, but in the long run, it has been somewhat inspirational and even enjoyable since the whole idea of being the underdog and coming from behind is the kind of story that a lot of people happen to love. At this time it sounds as though one of the stars of the movie, Anthony Mackie, thinks it might be a good idea to bring the story back for a sequel that could possibly bring Max back as a successful businessman that has a need to find the love for robot boxing once again. It’s a simple premise at the moment, but it also sounds as though Mackie would want to be one of the main characters of the movie, and to be fair it’s easy to see that he would be one of the best picks to push this story forward. In a sense, he could be like the narrator of the story, while still being a big part of it, since his character knew Hugh Jackman’s judging by their familiarity.
That would be one of the main reasons why this story could possibly work. Mackie has come a long way over the last decade in terms of his career, since at this point he’s going to be coming to the big screen eventually as the next Captain America, and he’s taken on one role after another over the years, showing that he’s been learning from every experience and picking up whatever he might need along the way. The story of Real Steel is one that could possibly take on a few new dimensions if it’s allowed to move in a different direction, and if it’s given a new perspective from Mackie’s point of view, or someone else’s. The idea of Max coming back is a good one, but it definitely needs something else, another face and/or voice that can offer a slightly different perspective.
The world of robot boxing feels as though it could be taken much further than what we’ve seen, and it would be great to see what might become of Atom since the sparring bot did more than many of the other high-class robots when he took on Zeus. It’s also fair to think that it might be nice to find out if Zeus kept up his status as the champ or if he was eventually dethroned. There are a lot of ways this story can keep moving forward, but with Mackie at the helm, it does feel as though the story could take on a new dimension that might give it a much grittier feel but also something that’s a lot more in-depth and not as dramatic simply because the father/son dynamic that was pushed in the first movie would no longer be present. Then there’s the idea that Max would be changed in such a way that his youthful exuberance would be altered in such a way that might confuse the audience but show them that his life took on another purpose that was completely different than what he desired to have with his father, Charlie.
There’s no telling if this idea would ever take off since at the moment it appears to be an idle mention and not much more than a rumor, but it does feel as though people might want to see such a thing happen, even if it went to streaming and not the theaters. In truth, Real Steel tends to come off as the kind of sentimental story that a lot of people might enjoy, but also wouldn’t exactly see as being something that would be a huge blockbuster. I could be wrong, this could be a great way to revive a story that people enjoyed but didn’t fully believe in, to begin with, as some have even called it a robotic version of Rocky. But just going from how the first movie performed it feels as though this sequel would be something that might get left behind simply because the expectations aren’t that high and as a result, neither would be the response. The hope of course is that it would still be seen as a smart way to continue a tale that was fun to watch all the same time.
Personally, I think it could be an interesting story, and it might work if it happened to be released on a streaming channel, but seeing it on the big screen is something that might be a bit of a pipe dream at the moment. It’s a fun story to think about, but it’s also one that might not be possible unless something can develop and gain the attention of those that could do something with it. Until then, it’s a nice thought to have, but that’s about it.
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