Amy Poehler to Star in, Produce, and Direct “Wine Country” for Netflix

Amy Poehler to Star in, Produce, and Direct “Wine Country” for Netflix

If the title of the film is Wine Country and it’s starring, being directed and produced by Amy Poehler, then you know that Tina Fey is going to be there along with a rather impressive celebrity cast that will be getting up to some sort of trouble or hijinks that will make the movie amusing and even insanely fun throughout it’s length. Of course that could be the wrong kind of thinking and it could be a drama just waiting to be unloaded, but with so many female comedians being gathered into the same project that’s kind of not the case if you’re up on your cinema history.

In fact since the movie is pretty much about a group of friends that go away to Napa Valley to celebrate a 50th birthday you can easily imagine that something’s going to happen that will be absolutely hilarious. Of course given the fact of a celebration it could also be quite dramatic too since once people start getting older they start to contemplate just what life has in store for them on the back half. There are so many fun things to consider when it comes to middle to old age that this could be why no one likes to think about it until it finally gets here. With aging comedians however the ticket is that the older they get the funnier they tend to be since the inhibitions, if there were any to begin with, are at that point starting to slip and they’re getting more and more used to saying what they want and doing what they want. And then when you add wine into the equation, as you know will happen, things tend to get a little kooky.

Amy Poehler has been a great comedian and actor and has made a reputation for being someone that you can expect a laugh out of as well as some very expected drama, but in this film she’s going to be in the director’s seat as well as in front of the camera, creating the movie even as she’s starring in it. That seems like a lot of work but a good number of directors have made it happen and it seems to work out. So really she might have her work cut out for her but it could be that she’s been waiting for this chance and preparing to the degree that she might nail it without much trouble. Plus if she gets to be funny that usually seems to be a given that she’ll do just fine. Also, with Tina Fey there it’s like she can do no wrong since the two of them are like the perfect pair with each other and tend to feed off of one another while bolstering each other at the same time.

Poehler was great in Parks and Recreation but after the movie Sister people kind of looked at her sidelong as though wondering what she was thinking when she and Fey did the film. Hopefully this one will be a bit of redemption.

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