All Your Questions About Snowflake Mountain Answered

All Your Questions About Snowflake Mountain Answered

credit: @snowflake_mountain

What is Snowflake Mountain? It’s a television show, of course. Reality television at its finest is the best way to describe this show. However, it’s worth mentioning that this might be painful for parents – and other adults – to watch. Essentially, adult children are sent to a survival camp to put their own adult skills to the test. These adults don’t do much for themselves without giving anything away or spoiling it for you. They’ve been coddled and babied and never bothered to learn essential life skills. It sounds painful, but only if you’re the one who can’t adult. So, what is Snowflake Mountain?

1. Is Snowflake Mountain Real?

The name of the mountain is not a real name. It is the name of the show, but it’s a pun. These adults are, well, snowflakes. They’re easily offended, easily triggered, and easily swayed because they just don’t have what it takes to do the basic things life requires. That’s where the name comes from.

2. Where is it Filmed?

Snowflake Mountain is filmed in England. More specifically, it’s filmed on an estate called Graythwaite Estate. Essentially, the estate comprises 5,000 acres in which these fun adults get to go around and do all the things they can’t do, and they have plenty of space to mess it up. The estate is located in a place called Cumbria, which is north of London in the Lake District.

3. Did Those On the Show Didn’t Know They Were Headed to the Wilderness?

Perhaps the most fun thing about this show is watching a bunch of snowflakes as they are dropped off in the middle of nowhere. They did not know in advance, and it was not an easy moment for any of them. They had no idea they were on a long-term camping expedition and didn’t know they’d be in the company of two former military survivalists. It was a wake-up call for all, and it is fantastic.

All Your Questions About Snowflake Mountain Answered

credit: @snowflake_mountain

4. How Many People Are On the Show?

The show features 10 snowflakes, two ex-military men, and a host. The ex-military men are survivalists who have no problem caring for themselves in the wilderness. We’d wager they’ve seen much more than the rest of us could imagine. A few weeks in the wilderness does not scare them at all. The two ex-military men are Joel Graves and Matt Tate. Cat Bigney hosts the show, and there are 10 grown adult children on the show learning to survive.

5. What is the Point of Snowflake Mountain?

It really depends on who you ask, doesn’t it? The contestants can win $50,000 if they make it until the end. So, that’s the point for many of them. However, the point for the rest of us is the entertainment we feel watching it. The point for the parents who sent their kids – unknowingly – on this expedition is the hope that their kids might grow up into the adults they’re not acting like.

6. Will Fans Really Love Watching People Hike?

The people on this show feel punished and personally attacked. They’re climbing a mountain and sleeping outside, but they only climb a half mile daily. Fans of the show are laughing because it seems laughable. Many people hike far more than a half mile a day just for the enjoyment and exercise it provides, and these people are crying about it.

7. Are Any of the Contestants Friends?

Despite the drama of their lives on the show, these are some long-lasting friendships. Some of the people who learned to grow up together learned to forge friendships that will last a long time. What’s meant to be pure entertainment for us is actually a gift to them.

8. Who is the Winner? Spoiler Alert for Those Who Have Not Watched

Deandra went on to win, and she’s used her winnings wisely. As anyone who watched the show knows, she is a makeup artist. She lost her mind at the beginning when the contestant’s luggage was taken away, and she pointed out she needed her highlight, contour, and gloss. She was not happy, but she won. And now, she’s the owner of a beauty salon. She co-founded BeauDEEland alongside her own best friend, and they are thriving.

All Your Questions About Snowflake Mountain Answered

credit: @snowflake_mountain

9. What was a Saving Grace for Liam?

In the real world, he never made his own decisions. Instead, he called his family. He called mommy or daddy, asked them for advice, and did what they told him to do. Now, however, he’s doing things on his own. He didn’t have a phone on the mountain, so he didn’t have help. He didn’t have anyone to call and ask about, and he learned to make snap decisions independently. Watching his confidence level blossom is a gift.

10. Does This Show Teach Us Phones are A Bad Thing?

Let’s be very honest – most of the people on this show have the same thing to say. They did so well on their own without their phone in hand and access to help or backup at the tips of their fingers. This leads us to ask the question, are our phones hindering us? Yes, in fact, we think they are. Constant contact and accessibility mean we all work too much, too long, and too hard. It allows people to contact you anywhere, anytime, all the time, and no one has an escape from life. There is no safe place any longer. Everywhere is accessible when you have your phone on you, and you cannot put anything away or to the side with it in your hand.

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