In the upcoming film, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, The Spot is set to make his theatrical debut. Across the Spider-Verse is the highly anticipated sequel to the acclaimed 2018 animated superhero movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. The movie follows Miles Morales, a teenager from Brooklyn who becomes a Spider-Man in his universe and tries to fight evil with the help of other Spider-People who are from other dimensions.
In the upcoming movie, Miles Morales will reunite with Gwen Stacy and other Spider-People. Their main aim is to protect their universes from the Spot who plans on causing a catastrophic disaster. The Spot is said to be one of the most important characters of the sequel, so let’s go back to the comic books to understand this enigmatic character.
Who Is The Spot In The Comic Books?
Dr. Jonathan Ohnn first appeared in “Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #97″ and became the Spot, an issue later. According to the comic books, Dr. Jonathan Ohnn worked for the Kingpin, who was the main villain in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Ohnn was ordered to copy the powers of a superhero known as Cloak but this experiment didn’t go as planned.
When Dr. Jonathan Ohnn created a black portal, he drained the city’s power which caused the portal to become unstable; despite this, he decided to step into the portal. This caused his body to have several spots — which he later realizes are portable space warps. As such, he got the ability to move his body from one dimension to another, as well as manipulate these spots. He finds his way back to Earth after realizing how powerful his superpower has made him. He faces off against the Spider-Man and the Black Cat upon his return to Earth. Beyond being an enemy of Spider-Man, Spot also confronts Daredevil in different comic books.
Why The Spot Will Be A Formidable Villain In Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse
Since the Spot can move his body from one dimension to another, he is able to cause a serious threat to different universes which makes him a formidable villain in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. In the movie, Miles Morales meets other Spider-People to defeat the Spot who has caused a threat to the spider-verse. The black spots — that appeared on his body due to a wrong experiment — allow him to transport his body, or parts of his body from one dimension to another. However, comic books show that Spider-Man defeats this villain with strategic thinking and teamwork. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse releases in theaters on June 2, 2023.Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
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