I had the opportunity to talk with Sonya Walger and Jack Davenport last week via webcam. Top on my agenda: finding out when this thing is going to ramp up. The Lloyd and Olivia ship has been anchored in the bay of forbidden love for sometime on the show, complicated by the fact that Olivia is happily married to FBI agent Mark Benford, and Llyod being torn between the death of his wife, sudden single-fatherhood of an autistic child, and, oh yeah, considering himself responsible for the global blackout itself.
We don’t want to go into too much detail, but tonight’s episode of FlashForward, “Revelation Zero”, which airs at 8pm EST on ABC sees the landscape changing considerably where Olivia and Llyod’s emotions are concerned. Sonya promised me that possibility of a romantic entanglement is going to become far less taboo as FlashForward moves on. “It’s something that Olivia, certainly, has been resisting for as much as you’ve seen, and has more license to investigate now for the second half.”
Through the miracles of modern technology, I was able to get some virtual face time with the two actors. Here’s what I asked, and what they answers.
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