10 Things You Didn’t Know about Gwendlyn Brown

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Gwendlyn Brown

When Sister Wives debuted in the fall of 2010, the show’s primary focus was on Kody Brown and his (at the time) 3 wives. However, over the years, the Brown family has seen lots of changes including the addition of another wife, more children, and grandchildren. In that time, the show’s focus has also shifted a bit, and the kids have become a much more prominent part of the show. One of the oldest Brown children, Gwendolyn, has recently become a hot topic all over the internet after coming out as bisexual. This makes her the second child in the Brown family to come out as a member of the LGBT community. Her older sister, Mariah, came out as a lesbian a few years ago. Now that Gwendolyn is trending all over the internet, people are interested in learning more about the Sister Wives star. Keep reading for 10 things you didn’t know about Gwendlyn Brown.

1. She’s A Shawn Mendes Fan

Shawn Mendes is only 22-years-old, but he’s been in the music industry for the last six years. He has built a huge fan base in the process and Gwendlyn Brown is one of Mendes’ many devoted fans. She hopes to get the chance to go to Canada one day to visit his hometown of Pickering.

2. She Doesn’t Support President Trump

In the 10 years since Sister Wives has been on the air, the family’s politics isn’t something that has really been discussed at great length. However, during a Q&A on her Instagram account, Gwendlyn made it a point to say “NO” when asked if she likes president Trump. She has also openly criticized Trump supporters on social media.

3. She Loves Living In Flagstaff

One of the most dramatic moments of the Sister Wives saga was the family’s move from Utah to Nevada. Although the move was initially very upsetting for the family, they eventually settle quite nicely in Las Vegas. However, they were uprooted again in 2018 and relocated to Flagstaff. Many of the kids were much older at that point, and it was clear that they had no desire to move to Flagstaff. Despite the family’s overall disappointment with the movie, Gwendlyn really likes living in Arizona.

4. She Wants To Travel The World Some Day

During her Q&A, Gwendlyn received lots of questions asking her about places she hopes to visit. It quickly became clear that there are lots of places she hopes to get the chance to visit some day. Since she is only 18 at the moment, she’ll likely have to wait a few years before she’s able to travel the way she wants.

5. The Hulk Is Her Favorite Superhero

Having a favorite superhero is almost a requirement at this point. If Gwendlyn Brown had to pick her favorite hero from the bunch, it would be The Incredible Hulk. Anyone who has ever seen the Hulk in action sees why he would be an easy choice to top the favorites list.

6. She Supports The Black Lives Matter Movement

Gwendlyn may be young, but she’s already learned how to speak up about the things she believes in. She has a large following on social media and has used her platform to show her support for the Black Lives Matter movement. She has also shown support for other issues across the world including the current crisis in Lebanon.

7. She Loves Interacting With Sister Wives Fans

Sister Wives has been on the air for more than have of Gwendlyn’s life and people who have been watching the show since day one have literally gotten the chance to see her grow up. Gwendlyn is grateful for all the support the show has given her family and she enjoys interacting with fans on social media.

8. She Deactivated Her Twitter Account

Even though she does like to communicate with fans, social media can easily get overwhelming when you have a lot of people watching your every move. Since coming out as bisexual, Gwendlyn has decided to deactivate her Twitter account. She will likely return once some of the buzz dies down.

9. She Enjoys Being Outside

Being part of a plural family and being a reality TV star has made Gwendlyn’s life a bit different from most people. However, underneath it all, she is just a ‘regular’ person who enjoys the simple things in life. She loves to spend time outside taking in the beauty of nature. Some of her favorite things to do are go hiking and exploring with her family.

10. She Doesn’t Want To Be A Sister Wife

The parents in the adult family have long bragged about the benefits of being in a plural family. While their children seem to appreciate having several parents and lots of siblings, many of them, including Gwendlyn, have expressed that they don’t have an interest in starting plural families of their own. Gwendlyn says that she is “too selfish” to ever consider becoming a sister wife.


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