Canceling a Comic-Con is kind of like canceling a major holiday for a lot of fans since it’s one time during the year that people from across the world do anything and everything they can to attend this highly impressive event in order to find out what’s coming up in the world of scifi and fantasy and to mingle with those that, like them, enjoy making a few good memories at the convention. As far as the Star Wars Celebration that comes after the San Diego Comic-Con it’s not known yet if it will cancel, but as Kevin Burwick of MovieWeb states it might very well be due to the lingering effects of the pandemic. In any case, the upcoming Star Wars Day will be held in just a few days as the May the 4th be with you and Revenge of the 5th celebrations will be taking place this coming week, and will be offering up a massive load of material and interactive content that fans will be able to access and enjoy. While a virtual convention isn’t quite the same, you don’t necessarily get to walk around looking at everything, ogling the costumes and the ingenuity that people have displayed with their many wares, it will have to do since as of now the pandemic is still on and there’s nothing else for it but to go along in order to get along. Yes, it’s a pain, and yes, it’s not what we’re used to, but at the very least people are making the effort to appease the fans, so as fans it’s necessary to at least acknowledge this and give a big ‘thank you’ to the people that are doing what they can to keep us happy.
So far it sounds as though the convention will be jam-packed with options for fans and won’t be shorting anyone out when it comes to the kind of experiences they’re looking for. Obviously being face to face isn’t possible right now but with live-streaming movies and the ability to talk to various personalities that will be on hand and able to ask questions it should still be something that people will be talking about until the coming year when it will hopefully return to its former glory. The hope of course is that by this time next year we’ll all be out moving around and the memory of COVID-19 will be something to talk about but also a memory in the making that will no longer keep us from doing what we want and going wherever we need to in order to do it. Star Wars fans are notorious among many fan bases for being hard-headed and incredibly stubborn so it’s not a huge stretch of the imagination to figure that they would jump on this opportunity when nothing else is presenting itself at the moment, especially if it means celebrating Star Wars Day. Greame McMillan of The Hollywood Reporter has more to say on this matter.
With that in mind there appears to be plenty that’s in store for fans over the two-day period and for the most dedicated among them there will be a chance to do a little Q&A with some of the more noted personalities that will be showing up, including authors of the Star Wars novels, which should hopefully open up a wide range of discussion as many upon many Star Wars fans tend to talk for hours if not days concerning one story line or another and how it fits or doesn’t fit into the ever-expanding universe that Star Wars inhabits. If a person ever truly wanted to start an argument that wouldn’t end but would find many twists and turns along the way, try talking continuity in the Star Wars universe and see how far you get before you’re ready to explode from the leaps of logic that some people utilize in order to make their theories work. Star Wars is by far one of the best examples in the scifi/fantasy world of fans being able to take something that was created by one individual and tangling it up to such a degree that even the creator doesn’t recognize it any longer, while at the same time creating something that’s both enticing and worth talking about for days on end. The only downside is that there are times when even the most attentive of those on the Star Wars panels can’t keep up with the rabid fan base since it’s fair to say that they don’t analyze and breathe Star Wars day in and day out as some folks do.
All in all the convention should be a good time for everyone no matter that it’s online and for the two-day period there should be plenty to keep everyone busy and happily occupied. Hopefully next year things will return to their semblance of normal, but for now, May the 4th be with you in a few days.
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