10 Things You Didn’t Know about Mahira Khan

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Mahira Khan

It’s important to look outside one’s own country to recognize talent sometimes since the US is often seen by many as the place where stars are born or at least are given the most attention. Other countries however tend to produce people like Mahira Khan that are just as talented but somehow don’t get noticed anywhere but their country unless they become a huge enough sensation or someone decides to take a look and notice that countries like Pakistan are churning out highly-talented individuals. As of right now it sounds as though Mahira is one of the highest-paid actresses in her country and by all rumors is one of the most popular. That kind of recognition doesn’t usually come by accident or without a good reason, so you can assume that she’s quite good at what she does and has learned how to convince people of her talents on screen.

Here are a few things you might not have known about her.

10. She’s regarded as Pakistan’s biggest superstar.

To amend that, she’s probably one of their biggest since the industry in her country does produce a lot of people that want to act and that can act. How they do things over there might differ a bit from over here but fame is fame if you want to be honest and it still takes the right kind of actor to get the kind of attention that grants them such fame.

9. She’s 36 years old.

So to be honest her career started when she was in her 20s, meaning that she wanted to get her schooling done first or she found an opportunity when she was in school and decided to make her way onto the stage so as to build a reputation. People do manage to start acting later in life but it’s been seen quite a bit that a lot of them want to start early on and have a nice long career.

8. Her career started in 2006.

She’s been in show business for well over a decade now and probably knows the ins and outs fairly well. One can only think that she, along with many others, has come to consider her career as something that’s fairly solid so long as she plays ball with the right people and does the best she can.

7. She has well over three million followers on social media.

That’s over three million people that want to know what she’s doing and what’s going on in her life, professional or otherwise. That number seems a bit ludicrous and even kind of disturbing if you take it in the wrong way, but fans are fans and a lot of actors tend to think of this as good for their reputation.

6. She didn’t finish college in the US.

Mahira was working towards her bachelor’s degree but decided to stop and move back to India where she eventually started up in show business, which led to the career that she has now. Had she stayed it’s not certain whether she would have gotten the same chance.

5. She was a cashier while in college.

A lot of folks work while they’re in school, it’s a common thing since life costs money, from tuition payments to books to food to anything and everything else you need, the money you earn is about the only thing that gives you what you want.

4. She started her career as VJ.

Remember Video Jockeys? MTV used to rotate them in and out every so often as they would announce the upcoming videos and give some commentary in-between. Some of them were pretty entertaining while others seemed kind of unnecessary.

3. Her father was against her marriage.

In some countries a father’s disapproval would be damning to a marriage, sometimes it would even halt it altogether. But in this case she still married the man she was with and had a child as well. In 2015 however they got a divorce.

2. She’s an award-winning actress.

Mahira has won just about as many times as she’s been nominated if not more so, which is amazing since it justifies her being one of the most elite actresses in her country and no doubt worth a hefty sum to any movie production that wants to hire her on.

1. She moved to the US when she was 17.

That’s not all the young to move from one country to the next, but it does seem as though she might have experienced a bit of a culture shock moving from Pakistan to California, since the lifestyles in Cali are quite different even from other states and are hard to understand at first. But she managed to stick around for a while before deciding to move back to Pakistan before finishing.

Whether she finished her schooling or not isn’t really known but it is evident that she made the right choice when she did.

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