Five Things You Didn’t Know about Michael Sheen

Welsh actor Michael Sheen has a name that confuses a lot of people, as it is very similar to American actor Martin Sheen. With that being said, the two are actually very different from one another. In fact, many people initially mistake Michael Sheen’s name for Martin Sheen and then realize their mistake after the fact. This is largely because he is most well-known across the pond, and has only recently started to become more of a household name in the United States as well. Below are five things that you might not know about him. Without a doubt, you will want to know this and more if you have seen any of his work, as he is clearly able to demonstrate his talent as an actor with relative ease.

1. He got his start in theater

Sheen was classically trained in London and when he began acting, he started acting in the theater on a regular basis. In fact, he has played some exceptionally notable roles, such as Hamlet, among others. Long before he ever acted on any other platform, he was being nominated for awards thanks to his stunning theatrical performances. As a result, he had already made a name for himself as an established and capable actor before he ever broke into television or cinema. To this day, he is still active in theater to a certain extent. It only makes sense, especially when you consider that this is what gave him his start as an actor to begin with.

2. He is well known for playing a political figure

If you follow his movies, you might be aware of the television movie The Deal or of the movie Queen. In both of these movies he portrayed well-known political figure Tony Blair. He actually portrayed the same character in yet another movie, and eventually became well known for playing this figure, to the point that some wondered whether or not he would ever branch out and act in other types of films. He eventually did exactly that, stretching his talents to portray a role in a couple of fantasy films and other types of projects that were vastly different from anything he had ever done before.

3. He’s also a director

The truth is, he not only directed The Passion, a project that belongs to the National Theatre of Wales, but he also starred in it. You might be wondering where all of this talent comes from. In reality, he just seems to have a knack for knowing what to do both in front of and behind the camera. Perhaps it comes from all of his years acting on the stage. Whatever the reason is, he is quite capable as an actor or as a director and in this particular case, both.

4. He’s involved In a lot of charity work

He spends a lot of his time working with charities. In fact, he is involved with several different charities that are directly tied to helping improve the lives of individuals in his native land. In addition, he also works with a number of charities that work on a national level as opposed to only working at the local level. He firmly believes that it is imperative to give back to the community and that is what he is attempting to do through all of his charity work. The unique thing about him is that he doesn’t merely write a check and move on, he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty. As a result, he is highly involved in a number of different charities, working in whatever capacity benefits them the most.

5. He recently split from girlfriend and fellow actress Sarah Silverman

The two just announced that they were dating toward the end of last summer, but by the time the Christmas holidays came and went, they were announcing that they were no longer a couple. No one really knows for sure what went wrong, perhaps they just figured out that they weren’t right for each other or their schedules didn’t mesh well. Whatever the reason, it was a romance that burned bright and fast.

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