“Loaded” is the new British comedy drama series that premiered on AMC July 17, 2017. The how has filmed eight episodes and will appear weekly on the network. The central plot is similar to “Silicon Valley,” with four entrepreneurs in the tech field who achieve remarkable success, but this is where the similarities end. Here are the first impressions of the brand new show.
Rags to riches story
From the get-go we understand that “Loaded” begins with a man who is overdrawn in his checking account, nervously checking the balance. We get the gist of the story when his balance suddenly skyrockets to more than fourteen million. This is the stuff that dreams are made of.
Hope inspiring
How would you like to go from being broke to instant millionaire? This is an aspect of the show that many of us find inspiring. It suggests that get rich schemes do sometimes pay off. The four inventors sell their smartphone app which is a huge success, netting them upwards of $300 million. It can and does happen, but not as often as most of us would like. The show does inspire people to reach out, try and even take a chance on entrepreneurship.
British humor
Although similar to Silicon Valley thematically, British humor is a bit different than that origination in the United States. Perhaps a little of the funniness is lost in translation because of the cultural differences. There seems to be little refinement in the behaviors of the characters. The premiere shows the brains of the outfit vomiting when he finds out that the group have just became rich. This group of underdogs do have some endearing qualities, but they seem to undo any viewer affection with their poor behaviors. It’s pathetic to watch the guys relentlessly stalk their exes and blow money on nerd related items.
Character development is needed
Reckless abandon seems to be the theme of the show initially. The group is being sued for stealing the idea for the game they sold from their former drug dealer. It seems to be an expose on how crazy people can get when they have a big windfall. From what we’ve seen so far, there isn’t really a character that is easy to relate to, unless you enjoy watching guys who are in need of control and validation go wild. Other characters in the show don’t really contribute much either. We’re not seeing the depth that would draw audiences in yet.
Hope for the series?
Although the show has hit the ground running, there is still a little time for the writers to calm it down a bit. We need to see more humanity and some real stories developing. It’s cool to get rich overnight, but so far, the show lacks any real substance. The series has already made its run in Britain, starting later in the US, so residents of the UK have had first crack at critiquing the show. We’ve seen some rough reviews, but there is still time for redemption. It doesn’t have he appeal that the US version of “The Office” did, but we’ll watch for any progression in character development and hopefully there will be a few more interesting elements introduced.
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