Stephen Colbert Hilariously Roasts Mike Pence’s Dining Habits

Stephen Colbert Hilariously Roasts Mike Pence’s Dining Habits

Colbert Takes on the Trump Administration

Stephen Colbert had a field day discussing politics on his show last night, targeting nearly every member of the Trump administration. From his rants about Devin Nunes’ intelligence sources to Ivanka Trump’s new job, as well as the new roles for Trump’s sons Eric and Donald Jr. as being “in charge of the National Hair Gel Reserve,” it was a no-holds-barred kind of night. Colbert even poked fun at Vladimir Putin’s “Read my Lips” gaffe, quipping, “It’s the reason Vlad lost Jeopardy’s War Criminals Week.”

Colbert’s Rare Jab at Mike Pence

However, the highlight of the monologue was when Colbert took aim at Vice President Mike Pence, who he rarely targets. The Washington Post recently profiled Pence, revealing that he never eats a meal with a woman other than his wife. This led Colbert to joke that Pence must be so out of control that he needs his wife to monitor him at all times. “One Amstel Light and he’s humping the bread baskets,” Colbert remarked. Pence also won’t attend events featuring alcohol without his wife by his side. “He is so naughty, if you left him alone with a bottle of whiskey, he might try to have sex with it,” Colbert warned.

Watch the Full Monologue

For more laughs and a complete rundown of Colbert’s hilarious take on the Trump administration, check out the entire monologue below:


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