credit: MCU
It would be nice to say that it’s surprising that the MCU is hesitant to hire writers that have extensive knowledge of the Marvel Universe, but it’s not. It might even sound like so much petty whining that they’ve made such a decision, but it’s not. Instead, it’s a generalization to state that Marvel fans that have been reading the comics since they were young are going to want to keep things exactly the same.
One has to wonder if those running the MCU are stuck in a time warp and think that Marvel fans can’t embrace change at all or if they’re trying to use this excuse as a smokescreen to hide the fact that they’re screwing up and don’t want to admit it. If people were bound to be honest, they might agree that it’s the latter since the last few movies that many have called great and even cheered for are, in all honesty, massive virtue signals that have used diversity and inclusion as a means of making sure that EVERYONE is included in the mix and that the story is nowhere near as important as the characters that the franchise wants to push. What’s really funny about this is that the fans, especially those who can write a screenplay, would no doubt embrace the challenge to come up with something that would suit everyone.
Here are five reasons why fans should be allowed to write for the MCU.
5. Not every MCU fan has followed the comics, but those that have could open the minds of new and current fans.
It’s amazing that this rarely ever gets mentioned, but those in charge tend to highlight the comic book fans that are apparently too toxic to listen to, meaning that they’re not taking into account those that have read a couple of comics and might have a few good ideas. Nope, it would appear that those who have never set eyes on a Marvel comic are the experts in this case since they have no preconceptions and, more importantly, don’t have any skin in the game until they’re asked to write a script about something that they have little to no knowledge of for fans that know just about everything there is to know about various characters and stories. It’s kind of like asking a rugby fan to write a biopic about an obscure scientist based on just their name.
4. Giving the fans a chance to write the scripts would increase the accuracy.
It would be up to the director to make the writing work, but the fun thing about this is that fans know how the stories go, and they know how things have gone off the rails and been restarted more than once in the Marvel Universe. They know that people have come back from the dead, that certain stories have been rebooted time and again, and that there are many intricate details that make one story work and other stories drag on for way too long. Fans know the ins and outs of this universe, which makes them a bit more trustworthy on the subject than even those who are in charge of it.

credit: MCU
3. The fans know the stories, and they know who’s needed for each one.
The Infinity Saga is the biggest example of this since, during Infinity War, it’s fair to say that not everyone could be used since the rights to various characters hadn’t been settled yet, and therefore it was up to the Avengers to carry the whole thing. But by bringing in the characters that were a part of each saga and using them in ways at least similar to those that were used in the comics, each movie and TV show could improve the accuracy in such a way that people would respond to each story in a manner that would be far better than they have lately.
2. Whether those running the MCU realize it or not, the fans are open to new ideas.
Apparently, those running the MCU think that the fans wouldn’t want to change a lot of things from the comics since so much is considered to be sacrosanct and doesn’t need to be switched around. That’s got to be one of the least intelligent things that have ever been said since there’s no doubt that fans who would love to write for this franchise would no doubt see the need to update certain things and change other elements around to make them work as they need to in the current MCU. That kind of assumption is fine if the MCU wants to make themselves look bad, but calling out the fans in this manner, yikes.

credit: MCU
1. The fans know what they want to watch.
At the end of the day, the fans know what they want to see, and even if people aren’t going to agree completely on everything (good luck with that one), the general consensus that’s still rising is that the MCU has no idea what they’re doing when it comes to character and story collection. It’s more of a ‘throw it at the wall and see what sticks’ method than anything. Unfortunately, the best stuff obviously isn’t sticking that well these days.
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