credit: Ghost Hunters
Ghost-hunting reality shows have been around for a while now, and a lot of people have enjoyed them, whether they believe in ghosts or not. When it comes to reality TV, most people should know by now that a lot of what’s seen on TV is scripted, and while real emotions do come through from time to time, much of what’s seen on the screen is likely faked, no matter if there are plenty of people who claim otherwise. The belief in the paranormal is something that many people wish to cling to, and others wish to debunk simply because they haven’t seen anything, they don’t believe in the supernatural, or for other reasons. What Ghost hunting shows tend to do is instill the belief that ghosts are real and that they are quite capable of letting the living know that they’re still powerful enough to create terror due to their varied energy. Unfortunately, the reality shows that have popped up over the years have been pushing the trend that everything that’s being seen is real.
Here are five reasons why ghost-hunting shows are ridiculous.
5. The noises and effects are easy to fake and fabricate.
Think about it this way, a magician is able to do what they need to in order to mystify an audience, but they usually have to do so in front of a live audience. The ghost hunters that are seen on one show or another tend to have weeks and even months to prepare. Even if those running the show are adamant that they haven’t set anything up in advance, the truth is that it’s simply too easy, especially when the noises are happening off-camera, to believe that everything is simply one big set-up. The fact is that the technology of today is easily capable of creating ghostly voices and the types of eerie noises that might frighten a lot of people.
4. Ed and Lorraine Warren did a lot of damage to the credibility of ghost hunters.
For a long time, and still to this day, a lot of people have looked to Ed and Lorraine Warren as the experts when it comes to paranormal investigation. The problem is that in the past decade or so, it’s been revealed that they were not nearly as effective as they appeared to be when it came to discovering and ridding homes of malevolent spirits. It’s very possible that they went out to view very real cases, but at the same time, there are simply too many conflicting accounts from various sources to state that the Warrens were nothing more than hucksters, con artists who studied up on their craft and learned enough about each location and the people living there to make it all appear real. Some people still believe in them even now that they’re gone, but others have decided to believe that they were simply great at the long con.

credit: The Conjuring
3. The average ghost hunter will relate that paranormal investigation, as seen on TV, doesn’t pan out that often.
A lot of those who have been seeking something of the supernatural persuasion and have studied and learned how to use their equipment and been patient as hell would tell the average person that whatever is seen on Ghost Hunters and similar shows is not what typically happens. There are often hundreds if not thousands of studies that are conducted before there’s even one sighting or occurrence that merits the kind of attention that these shows lavish upon the various stories they pick up. Some would say that of course, the Ghost Hunters and many others are bound to go through thousands of cases just like anyone else. But it would appear that they glamorize some of those that have a true reputation among the local communities they belong to.
2. These folks are making money by duping people who want to believe in life after death.
The truth of these shows is that they are entertainment, and they are making money by getting people to believe, or at least to watch, the stories that they’re pushing. There’s not that much wrong with it, really, until others start to believe that they are, in fact, hunting actual ghosts that are messing with them in a very profound manner. There are unexplained phenomena that occur throughout the world, and believing in ghosts is not the worst thing that could ever happen. But the truth is that making money off of it feels a little perverse at times, though in all honesty, if it’s used as entertainment, it’s not hard at all to simply let it be.
credit: Ghost Hunters
1. Even if ghosts are real, there’s no definitive way to tell what they want or why they’ve stuck around.
From paranormal investigators to demonologists to priests and the average curious individual that wants to believe that ghosts are real, it’s easy to think that there are things in this world that we don’t understand. Believing ghosts are real is a debate that could and has gone on and on for years. But what they want and why they’re here is a guessing game that ghost hunters tend to think they can nail down while entertaining the masses.
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