Credit: The Expanse
Adapted from a series of novels of the same name, The Expanse is one of the best yet most underrated sci-fi TV shows. Initially produced by Syfy, it was canceled in 2018 after three seasons, but fans petitioned for the show to continue, and Amazon Prime Video picked it up and produced three seasons until its conclusion in the sixth season. It is known for its complex plotlines and impressive character development, but it has also been highly praised for its scientific accuracy. Today’s article will focus on five of the best moments from “The Expanse.”

Credit: The Expanse
5. Rocinante vs Pella – ‘Episode 6×03: Force Projection’
The final season had a lot going for it when it began developing the Laconia storyline while still trying to tie things up with Marco Inaros’s plot, so it came as no surprise that James Holden and co. They would finally have to face off against Marco Inaros and the Free Navy. However, both sides find themselves unprepared for this battle as Marco’s Pella stumbles on the Rocinante while scanning its scopes, and Inaros decides to fight the Rocinante crew due to the advantage of having more ships. His son Filip and a member of the crew, Rosenfeld, advise him against going into this battle since it’s unnecessary in the grand scheme of things, but Marco’s pride blinds him from listening. Soon enough, the Rocinante takes out one of the Free Navy’s ships with the powerful railgun, and after Bobbie Draper studies the evasion tactics of the Pella, she devises a plan to land a critical hit, which successfully works. Even though the Rocinante crew was punching above their weight, turning the tables on the Pella, who had the advantage of ambushing them, makes this one of the best moments in the series.

Credit: The Expanse
4. Joe Miller and Julie Mao die together – ‘Episode 2×05: Home’
A simple investigation that began in the search for Juliette Andromeda Mao, the daughter of the wealthiest man in the system, became an unlikely love story for the Star Helix Detective Josephus Miller. After finding Julie dead on Eros, infected by the protomolecule, Miller and the Rocinante crew decide to get rid of the protomolecule and hatch a plan to use the Mormon ship Nauvoo as a battering ram to push Eros into the sun and incinerate any trace of the protomolecule. However, Eros somehow evades the Nauvoo and sets off on a collision course with Earth. The protomolecule has absorbed Julie’s consciousness, and Julie wants to go home, but Miller knows that this will mean Earth is destroyed and billions of people will die. Choosing to stay with Julie, Miller removes his spacesuit and infects himself with the protomolecule, proving he is not a threat and convincing Julie to change the course of Eros to Venus. Holding her in his arms, Miller and Julie crash into Venus and die together in a beautifully crafted scene, saving the Earth.

Credit: The Expanse
3. Klaes Ashford’s Death – ‘Episode 4×10: Cibola Burn.’
For a while there, Klaes Ashford’s introduction to the story initially seemed like the building of an antagonist that would cause problems for the Behemoth’s Captain, Camina Drummer, and for a while there, he did cause her problems, even creating a mutiny. However, after the two share a heart-to-heart moment after being trapped in an accident, they both begin to understand each other’s point of view and come to respect each other. Therefore, when Marco Inaros becomes a problem for Earth and Mars with his evil actions, Ashford takes it upon himself to deal with the Belter rebel. However, after locating the Pella and gaining access to its quarters through exceptional tactical skill, he is caught off-guard by Marco’s son Filip and surrenders. He decides to space him, and Ashford embraces his death fearlessly, going out of the airlock humming a lullaby he used to sing to his daughter. His death is one of the most tragic in the series, and for many of us, we shed a tear when the heroic Behemoth XO made his last screen appearance.

Credit: The Expanse
2. Naomi Nagata’s Jump – ‘Episode 5×07: Oyedeng’
Naomi Nagata had made herself known early on as the no-nonsense get-it-done engineer of The Canterbury, so when she decided to go after her son Filip and rescue her from her father’s clutches, Marco, we knew she would get the job done. However, Marco Inaros takes her prisoner and uses her presence there to manipulate James Holden. She decides to escape from the Pella because she has become a liability to her friends on the Rocinante, and Filip has already been turned against her by her father. What we get afterward is one of the best TV show scenes ever, as we see her jump from an airlock without a vacuum suit, injecting herself with hyper-oxygenated blood, which helps her to barely make it to her ship and close the airlock before being frozen to death by the vacuum of deep space.

Credit: The Expanse
1. “I am that guy.” – ‘Episode 3×06: Immolation.’
From the onset, Amos was the muscular nutcase character whose solution to any problem was punching his way through unless Naomi Nagata disapproved of this course of action. However, after meeting Prax, a botanist from Ganymede station who is trying to rescue his daughter from a protomolecule scientist, he strikes an unlikely friendship with him and vows to help him find his daughter. When the duo locates her on Io and Prax aims to shoot her captor, Dr. Strickland, Amos stops him by telling him that he isn’t that guy. Prax leaves with his daughter, and Amos turns to Dr. Strickland, who thinks Amos has saved him, only for him to say to him, “I am that guy,” and kill him. What makes this scene the best moment in the show is finally seeing Amos understand empathy and taking away from Prax the burden of having blood on his hands.conclusion in the sixth season
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