Celebrities are just like us. Some of them are kind and generous, while others are simply not. Just like in real life, there are some celebrities who are just difficult to work with. There are many stories about how some celebrities are demanding, pushy, and just too much.
Some stars let the fame go to their heads. Others are unable to curb their otherwise irritating or even harmful habits. And some seem to just be born to make the lives of others increasingly frustrating. No matter what the reason is, some people are harder to work with than others. Whether that’s due to a lack of humility or a superiority complex, some celebrities are hard to handle.
Regardless of the reasons behind it, some celebrities are simply hard to work with. With that said, here are the twenty celebrities that are believed to be the most difficult to work around.
20. Val Kilmer
It’s a bit difficult to imagine such a prolific actor as being hard to work with. Kilmer is considered to be of the greats, as his many roles showcased his range and depth of emotion. He always could fill a role like few others and seemed genuinely committed to his craft. But apparently, he was never a people-pleaser.
By the time he was cast in “Batman Forever,” he had already gained a reputation for being confrontational with cast members. In fact, it is now well known that he and director Joel Schumacher engaged in a heated war of words on their movie set. While you might be his fan, there’s no denying that he has a bit of a temper. He also seems like he can’t control it at times.
19. Mike Myers
Who would have thought the man responsible for bringing “Wayne’s World” and “Austin Powers” to life would be anything but friendly and slightly goofy when off-set? Myers is said to be a comedic genius, and there are few, if any, that would dare to disagree, but he is also said to be a moody and temperamental control freak that terrorizes his fellow cast members and crew with his many demands.
This condition got so bad once that his director for “Wayne’s World” actually had to assign him an assistant to keep up with his ever-increasing list of demands. It could be the pressure of being famous or simply the misunderstood workings of a genius intellect, but many would still like to hoist a pint with Meyers and drink to the man’s onscreen sense of humor.
18. Daniel Day-Lewis

Credit: Gangs of New York
Another celebrity that is believed to be hard to work with is Daniel Day-Lewis. While obviously very talented, Day-Lewis is sometimes difficult to handle. Considering the fact he’s a three-time Oscar winner, it’s unbelievable to picture him as anything but nice and kind. However, rumor has it that he can be hard to work with sometimes.
Apparently, during the filming of There Will Be Blood, Day-Lewis got very intense playing his character. This made the cast members and the filming crew on the edge of their seats all the time.
17. Gwyneth Paltrow
Paltrow is what some people would call “quirky.”She’s no typical celebrity, that’s for sure. She displays some serious personality traits that might leave some people scratching their heads. For instance, when she is at the gym, she wants someone to dry the showers before she gets in. This is because she doesn’t want to come into contact with someone else’s used water. On set, she is somewhat of a gossip. She has been heard to speak about her female co-stars behind their back while also praising them to their faces.
16. Russell Crowe
This is a case where the media could very well be blowing matters out of proportion in regard to what an actor is truly like in real life. In other words, Russell Crowe has been accused of being an angry and even confrontational person, though he professes that this is just not so. Some might disagree, considering that he once feuded with George Clooney over the fact that Clooney appeared in several TV commercials. Crowe then called him a sellout, which prompted a brief but notable feud between the two that eventually blew over. While he says he is not an angry or confrontational person, it is hard to argue with pictures and film clips that show a contrary view.
15. Edward Norton
There is a very solid reason why Norton was not back to play the role of Bruce Banner in “The Avengers”. While he is a very dedicated individual and is true to his craft, he is also a very big control freak that must have things his way. This makes him less of a team player and closer to a male diva, leaving him bereft of those that actually want to work with him.
14. Steven Seagal
In his heyday, Seagal was the quintessential badass with the calmness of a Buddhist and an ability to take down bad guys like no one’s business. As he began to age, however, his role in the action film industry began to wane largely because he could not adapt to the current needs of the genre. More than this, however, his character flaws began to show through.
While he is quite impressive on film and even still kind of fun to watch, he has been called out more than once as a paper fighter, someone that is great when it doesn’t count but couldn’t fight his way out of a wet sack if he had to. Whether or not this is true is still up for debate, but one fact that has lost Seagal a number of fans is that he is believed to be a compulsive liar. From recounting his days spent with CIA operatives and doing “special favors” for several of them to hanging with many influential characters throughout the world, Seagal has only succeeded in alienating his fan base when it was discovered that many of his claims are unfounded.
13. William Shatner
William Shatner is one of the legends of Hollywood. But he is also one of the celebrities that’s notoriously known as being hard to work with. You probably know him from his iconic role in Star Trek. He’s gained massive popularity because of this role and has fans all over the world.
However, his colleagues have described him as somewhat of a diva. He’s known to leave the set whenever he pleases. He also decides on his own when to take a break instead of waiting for the agreed times.
12. Kanye West
There is so much that can be said of West, but much of it is based upon opinion and not hard facts. One very real fact is that during his short stint on “Anchorman 2,” West refused to simply leave when he was told that he was done. He reportedly stuck around and blasted rap music loud enough to disrupt filming despite repeated attempts to get him to leave. More than this, however, the artist knows that he is slight, if not completely unhinged, and even tells people not to believe at least ninety percent of what he says. This sounds like wise advice.
11. Sharon Stone
There are few other divas in Hollywood that can top this woman. It doesn’t seem to matter what role she plays, she will play it in such a way that those around her may very well be forgotten until she is off-screen. On top of being beautiful and quite talented, Stone is undeniably intelligent, which can make for a volatile mix. One of her former assistants went on to state that if Stone wasn’t yelling at her, she was belittling her for one thing or another. This goes to show that intelligence doesn’t always denote wisdom, as Stone is perhaps one of the best cases of egotism coupled with intelligence and a lack of humility.
10. Charlie Sheen
It is very easy for one’s brain to overload when thinking of all Sheen has accomplished and what he has done in the recent past to erase every single accolade that people use to throw at him. There is no doubt that he is a talented actor with a beloved face and an astounding personality. But he is also a former addict, a destructive force in the lives of those that knew him best, and a very angry and egocentric individual. As a textbook narcissist, Sheen absolutely needs the spotlight, and thanks to this, have run through a long list of friends and willing co-workers that either love him or hate him depending on their chemistry. If not for his need to be the center of attention at all times, he might have never left “Two and A Half Men”.
9. Madonna
Yet another iconic figure, Madonna, is considered to be a self-centered individual. She once scheduled an interview in advance and then canceled it on the day of the interview without any explanation at all. Once the interviewer was allowed to finally speak to her, Madonna acted quite rudely and did not want to respond to any questions. She only wanted to talk about her achievements and work ethic. Millions of fans might love her, but given this type of treatment, it makes sense that some people want to stay far from the material girl.
8. Lindsay Lohan
She is a self-professed egotist, shows up late to filming, and then makes insane demands once she does deign to make an appearance. In other words, Lohan is more than just a little difficult, she is a diva that some say is quite juvenile in her manner and appearance. Her excuse is that she wants to win an Oscar and that she still wants to have a life. While no one could possibly fault her for such desires, the idea that she can work half as hard and yet reap the full benefits makes her quite difficult to work with.
7. Mariah Carey
At the risk of being rude, Mariah Carey is perhaps one of the most two-faced divas in the industry, and as a result, sees herself as a decent and good person but attempts to make excuses for her ill behavior while on screen. Many celebrities can rightfully claim that their poor behavior is a publicity stunt, but with Carey, it seems that she cannot always make up her mind about which face she wishes to present to the public. Her infamous feud with fellow judge Nikki Minaj on the show “American Idol” brought to life many of her character traits that some fans had never seen before.
6. Christian Bale
Bale is seen as a bit off-putting by many of his fellow actors for a couple of reasons. One is that he is a fairly angry person who takes things a bit too seriously at times. Another is that he tends to be fascinated by real-world violence and sees it as a means of making the world work. He has often been seen on set never once fraternizing with his fellow actors, as he believes in keeping himself at a distance from others so as to stay in character. While it doesn’t make him a bad person, it does tend to raise a host of other questions about his character.
5. Jennifer Aniston
Coming from being a little-known actress to being one of the most sought-after divas in the industry can definitely change a person. Whether she was this diva-esque when she was younger or fame made her this way, Aniston is in a class all her own. Not only does she eat her meals separately from the crew and cast of any production she is involved with, but she typically keeps her personal trailer miles from the set to complete her isolation. Aside from this, she is another demanding personality that seeks to impose her will on set and is reportedly not willing to compromise all that often.
4. Jennifer Lopez
Needless to say, being an assistant to this diva is not bound to be an easy job. The description she gives for the position sounds like something out of a drama or romantic comedy. The applicants need to be at her beck and call for all things at all times and are expected to be grateful to be treated like dirt or asked to do anything that might not be within their limitations. In other words, if you want to work for J-Lo, be ready to take a crash course in everything from cooking to foreign relations to changing her baby’s diapers.

Credit: @beyonce
3. Beyonce
The use of a single name seems to scream “diva”, and Beyonce is no different. Her demands during Superbowl 48 were so outrageous that many of those that worked with her was heard to state that they would be glad to never relive such an experience. She is generally seen as an inspiration and a hard-working individual that many look up to, but it might be harder to admire her when one is seeking to fulfill her every need.
2. Teri Hatcher
Despite being an integral part of “Desperate Housewives” for so long, it is reported that Hatcher never really got along with her fellow actresses. She is a reported narcissist and quite ambivalent towards the rest of the cast, and as a result, alienated herself from those around her. As if to drive home the point, the cast of the show decided to reward the crew that had worked so hard to make the show possible with an impressive gift once its final episode had aired, but purposefully left Hatcher’s name off of the thank you note.
1. Shia LeBeouf
If ignorance and arrogance ever had a face, it would be that of Shia LeBeouf. The young actor that was so influential in the “Transformers” movies has been heard to state that he doesn’t believe there is anything he could learn in school that he couldn’t learn on set. Ever since his rise to fame, he has been largely outspoken about his feelings toward acting and his true purpose. While he gets points for honesty, he loses serious credibility for the simple fact that he admits to not knowing what he’s doing or why. This kind of attitude has led a great many people to wisely distance themselves from him in an attempt to simply forget that he is or ever was a part of Hollywood.
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edward norton one was a bit unfair – he rewrote the script and they refused to give him credit for it
also i love shia lebeouf <3
hes a troubled lad so my kindred spirit
hes the kind of person you can get behind and support anything he wants to do