The Top Five Elliott Gould Movie Roles of his Career

The Top Five Elliott Gould Movie Roles of his Career

A lot of younger fans might not recognize this man as much considering that he did a lot of work in the 1960’s and 70’s, but they will surely recognize him for his later works. Elliott Gould is definitely one of the actors known more for his cerebral roles than anything to do with over the top action. This seems to suit him best however as such roles seem made for him and come quite easily. He can play a wise-cracking individual with such ease that one almost has to think that he was born this way.

Here are some of the better roles that Gould has filled in his long career.

American History X – Murray

His role is admittedly small in this film but it carries an impact. Viewers likely don’t know how to feel about Murray since he is kind of an instigator but he is still being unfairly subjected to the type of hatred and racism that is hard to watch. Despite that he’s not completely innocent as he seems to be firmly set against young Danny and has no inclination to help the boy understand the error of his thinking. In fact it’s safe to say that Murray would rather expel Danny without any attempt to understand just why he feels the need to recite the words of Mein Kampf as though they’re gospel. This is the almost despicable but lamentable kind of role that puts the character in an awkward spot.

MASH – Trapper John Mcintyre

Looking at him now it might be hard to realize that Gould even played this role. Age does things to people after all and it tends to rob a lot of the vitality that they were once able to bring to the screen. Despite that, Gould shone brightly in this film as Mcintyre and it was one of his signature roles. The film was just as lighthearted as the TV show and made a good accounting of the conflict in Korea while still managing to keep up the comedic feel.

The Silent Partner – Miles Cullen

For a movie about a heist this film really became more about the cat and mouse game between Miles and the opposing character of Harry. Where Harry was rash and impulsive Miles was calm, cool, and collected in a way that Gould is very comfortable with. The entire film was like a giant chess match in which Harry was continually trying to outdo Miles, which was eventually impossible because he didn’t know how to match wits without going over the top. Miles on the other hand knew how to be patient, and when to make his move.

The Long Goodbye – Philip Marlowe

This seems to be the type of film in which Gould thrives. His character isn’t all that likable and takes a while to actually work himself into the mood to get into the idea of solving the crime. Despite that he fits the character like a glove and fully integrates himself into the film in a way that only he can. Such roles seem just perfect for Gould’s laid back style.

Ocean’s Eleven – Reuben Tishkoff

Most people that were either too young to recognize Gould or haven’t seen any of his older pictures would likely remember him more for his role as Reuben in Ocean’s Eleven. The wise-cracking Vegas hotshot that works opposite of Clooney and Pitt is the persona that Gould has taken on in recent years and it’s perhaps one of the most memorable.

In almost every role he’s had Gould has been laid back and quite relaxed. It seems to be the role he was made for, and in truth it suits him just fine.

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