Xiaolin Showdown, an intriguing cartoon that aired for three seasons starting in 2003, is ripe for a reboot. The show was not only highly entertaining but also served as a platform to teach younger viewers about the importance of rules and morality in an ordered society. While the series focused heavily on the fighting and the magical nature of the items that the four students were constantly trying to retrieve, there was always a moral lesson embedded within. The primary goal of the story was to entertain, but it was refreshing to see how the writers attempted to incorporate some form of morality into the show.
Here are a few reasons why Xiaolin Showdown should be rebooted.
A Powerful Message of Inclusion
Xiaolin Showdown features students from different parts of the world, emphasizing that it’s not up to just one ethnicity or country to protect and collect the magical items, known as Shen Gong Wu. This could serve as an excellent example, especially for a kids’ cartoon, of how people can work together to achieve a greater good. While some may argue that we don’t need this kind of message in a children’s show, it would at least offer viewers a chance to see something different and remind them that collaboration is possible, even if only in fiction.
CGI Could Elevate the Show to New Heights
When Xiaolin Showdown first aired, CGI was in use but not as prevalent as it is today. Nowadays, at least half or more of the cartoons on TV utilize CGI in some form, and it pays off as many of these shows experience a rise in ratings due to the more realistic and three-dimensional visuals. As technology advances, so too do the stories it can enhance. Rebooting Xiaolin Showdown as a CGI wonder would result in a stunning array of visual effects and would likely increase its popularity. At the very least, the special effects would captivate many young viewers.
A Revival of Martial Arts in Cartoons
It’s hard to deny that recent martial arts cartoons haven’t been all that great. Xiaolin Showdown, on the other hand, had a purpose and was thrilling to watch as the monks embarked on adventures to stop their enemies from obtaining the items they were sworn to protect. The show had a whimsical feel to it, striking a balance between seriousness and comedy. It was simply a lot of fun to watch at the time. While the story could use an upgrade if it were to be put back into production, it was fundamentally solid.
Over-the-Top Villains Reminiscent of 70’s Martial Arts Films
One of the most charming aspects of Xiaolin Showdown was its over-the-top villains, which evoked the spirit of 70’s martial arts films. The show was never inappropriate or lewd; it was just delightfully hokey and cheesy at times, which many viewers found endearing. The showdowns, contests to win the prized Shen Gong Wu, were a formality that many shows wouldn’t bother with. However, in Xiaolin Showdown, they were an integral part of the show and contributed to its old-school feel.
Rebooting this cartoon would likely require a complete overhaul, but it would also bring back something unique and highly entertaining. In an era when cartoons are either made for kids or exclusively for adults, it would be refreshing to have a show that both demographics could enjoy. The fact that Xiaolin Showdown was also genuinely hilarious in some spots makes it a prime candidate for a reboot.
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Xiaolin Showdown should remain as it is. It DESERVES NO REBOOT-IT deserves a CONTINUATION AND Christy Hui-THE CREATOR of the show, Promised to continue Xiaolin SHowdown. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Megan-I along with my bestest friend in the world are HUGE fans of Xiaolin SHowdown/Chronicles and I represent in a way a GRAND fandom of Xiaolin Showdown/Chronicles Fans.
I must admit-I do appreciate the compliments to how awesome the show is, BUT let me tell you THIS-A REBOOT!? Rebooting the show would shake the very foundation that the Xiaolin SHowdown was founded on. I mean DO YOU know what reboots did to some of the cartoons today!? Powerpuff girls? Teen titans? Also CGI-ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!? That will just make it god awful! I mean surely you didn’t watch Xiaolin Chronicles on how they used CGI for the showdowns (It was an eye sore to be honest).
Rebooting the series would mean WIPING IT ALL clean-rebooting it back to the drawing board, changing everything around, editing and changing character info and origins, and well-everything would be a COMPLETE mess! I mean what are you or any company even director want to do!? Do you want Christy Hui to surrender everything she created, take her dreams away from her and derail them into something new to today’s media!
I don’t think so Jack! She would not stand for it! Nor me or my friend NOR the fandom either. Xiaolin Showdown is fine as it is, WHAT IT NEEDS IS A CONTINUATION from where it left off-DID YOU ever wonder some of the stuff left unseen or unheard? Omi’s real parents? The grand battle against good and evil? Appearances of the characters’ families? New warriors? All of that? I mean WHAT THE Heylin!
Christy hui has promised fans that she was working on a XIaolin Project to continue Xiaolin Showdown, she even planned to make comics and other stuff.
Xiaolin Showdown is like a Grand, ancient, sacred forest-or a grand tree and on that tree is marks and scars-writing that were left by us the fans of the memories we’ve made with that show. If anyone tries to tear it down to replace it with an odd-looking tree….It wouldn’t be the same…it would be a disgrace to the fandom, to Christy hui and everything Xiaolin stands for.
I apologize deeply, but I along with those out there feel strongly for this. Xiaolin SHowdown should be continued and kept to 2d animation. With today’s animation technology-it can be preserved in it’s 2d animation glory with some tweeks and quirks to make it more awesome just like it’s 2000s show.
#SaveXiaolin2018 this is the Trend hastag I am starting all around social media and if you wish-I want you to share this if that’s okay. This show means the universe to those in the fandom-it inspired us, it helped us…it also helped us find special and awesome friends that we are honored to call brothers and sisters….especially my dearest friend who is like a sister to me.
Christy Hui hasn’t been heard for years (2-3 years), but I am determined with everyone that she must be out there somewhere and we are going to let our voices be heard to remind me just how important the XIaolin Showdown franchise means to us all.
Believe me when I say that I hear you. I enjoyed the show when it was on and appreciated it for what it was. But one thing you need to understand, as much as it stinks to admit, is that the people making the shows and bringing them back want to stay on the competitive edge and this usually means tweaking whatever they’re working with, even if it leads to the downfall of the show. I would agree, this show was just fine as it was, but reboots and remakes are the trend these days, and as sad as this would be to see happen, it’s almost expected that CGI and other methods would take over. Here’s hoping it wouldn’t happen though.