At the moment it would appear that the word is that Hobbs and Shaw 2 is currently in development if what Dwayne Johnson is saying is accurate. In fact, that’s about all that’s really known about this movie at the moment. There’s no telling if Vanessa Kirby will return, nor is there any telling if Idris Elba might come back for an unexpected but no doubt welcome return. This would be largely due to the fact that his character, Brixton, was shut down and put out of commission. But if anyone has been paying attention over the years, there are ways that people can be brought back and their story retconned in order to make it appear as though they were dead when they were really just waiting in the wings to reappear. It’s kind of like a soap opera effect with a lot of explosions and action sequences. The movie would likely benefit from a new villain and a new threat, but the fact is that Ryan Reynolds’ character, Locke, did mention that there was a new virus that had been found that was worse than the last one.
Plus, Eteon is still a very big threat and is apparently run by someone that knows both Hobbs and Shaw, which leaves a few different possibilities when it comes to bringing in an enemy that will be known to both individuals and, hopefully, to the audience. This spinoff of the Fast and Furious franchise has managed to gain a great deal of attention from the fanbase since like it or not, there is plenty of action and a great deal of star power that people happen to like. But the fact is that the first movie was definitely a giant ego trip to show off muscles, fighting sequences, and explosions that people tend to get into and cheer for whenever they’re displayed in abundance.
Given the fact that the movie is still in development and hasn’t reached a definitive path that those in charge want to follow just yet, it’s bound to be a whole until we’re able to see even a mention of a trailer, which means that it won’t likely be next year that this movie will come out, and depending on how things go it could be even longer. The Fast and Furious franchise has already felt the bite that the coronavirus put on the entertainment industry since F9 had to be delayed, and the general feeling was that it wasn’t going to be shown as a streaming movie since there was no give when it came to sticking to a theatrical release. A lot of fans no doubt appreciate this in a big way, but it did take a while to finally see what all the fuss was about, and for those that still love the movies and were psyched to see John Cena join the franchise, it was no doubt a treat to finally see the movie where it was meant to be shown. The overall opinion of the fanbase is that there’s no besmirching the franchise at this point since it’s gone well past the point of being criticized in any meaningful way that might kill the love that many people have for it.
Hobbs and Shaw are kind of riding on that same wave at the moment since if one were to sit down and pick at the movies thread by thread, plot hole by plot hole, as some have done, then the movies become one ridiculous stunt after another that no one should be able to survive without careful planning and a lot of training. One can bet that the sequel to this movie will have just as many stunts and explosions as the first one, if not more to make it even more impressive. But what is kind of confusing is that the respect that Hobbs and Shaw earned from one another feels as though it’s going to be a rollercoaster relationship given that at the end of the movie, Hobbs had the police called on Shaw. Perhaps the convenience that put them together in the first place is all that really keeps them talking to each other since as many people could possibly remember from time in the actual franchise, they were actually friendly at one point.
Trying to figure out all the inaccuracies that reside in the Fast and Furious franchise is confusing as hell, to be honest, but people continue to pay the ticket price to watch the movies so it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Hobbs and Shaw aren’t going to be appearing on the big screen in the next few months, but one can bet that when we finally see a trailer that people are going to get excited and they will start saying how much they’ve loved the duo since they were first seen together.
Vanessa Kirby
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