Will There Be an Agents of SHIELD Inhumans Crossover?

Will There Be an Agents of SHIELD Inhumans Crossover?

ABC’s Agents of Shield has been teasing us with the idea of Inhumans since the Terrigen came up in the show in season 2. We’ve also heard for a while before it happened that an Inhumans spinoff was happening. The show Inhumans premiered its first couple of episodes on IMAX September 1 and September 8 and is set to continue its story on the smaller screen beginning September 29.

While we’re very familiar with the Inhumans on Agents of Shield, the new show’s characters are relatively unknown to us. We’ll meet the members of the Royal Family, the Inhumans’ main characters. We know a few things about them from the premiere, but a lot is being kept under wraps a la Marvel style. First there’s Black Bolt, the King of the obscure world of super powered beings. Medusa is his Queen; we’ve also got Medusa’s sister Crystal and some other names such as Karnak, Auran, and Triton. The five main characters somehow got separated after a military coup. Some ended up in Hawaii, and they all have to look for each other, which is basically the premise of the show.

That may sound too mundane, but consider a couple of crucial points. The first is that most humans have no clue that these guys exist, let a lone an entire planet of them, which might be the moon. Second, all of them have heavy superpowers, especially the Royal Family. Black Bolt’s whisper alone can wipe an entire city. His whisper. Last, while their existence might be unknown, there are entities on earth that are looking for Inhumans. We know this from Agents of Shield, and whether the two worlds exist in the same plane or time, we’ll know more as the show progresses.

There might have been a slight clue given with the way the last season of Agents of Shield ended. It also gives the possibility that the two shows might cross over at some point. In the final episode last season, we saw the team taking an unusual break at a diner after plenty a rough interaction with LMDs or Life Model Decoys. We knew something was up, though, because that never happens, and it seemed as if the team was waiting for something to happen, which it did. They got arrested by people from undisclosed authority, and the next time we saw any of them, we saw one in space. Team leader Agent Coulson woke up from being knocked out in a spacecraft that’s floating in space. Whether they’ve been hired by the government to look for Inhumans in space will be interesting to see, but we’re just not sure what’s going to happen.

The Inhumans’ producers promised us all that there would be no crossovers at all for the super powered world. We believe that up to a certain extent and are hoping that although we might not see our agents in the Inhumans show, we might see the Royal Family make an appearance in the next season of Agents of Shield. It’ll be smart to use Shield as a platform to catapult the Inhumans into the comic book show playing field, and we’re highly positive that the two worlds will have coinciding stories, much like Shield has had with the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.


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